Xlll. Apologies(Editing)

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Hunters of Artemis


For the second time of the day, Autumn clung onto Percy's arm,"I'm hungry!" she whined again and he groaned.

"You just ate half an hour ago, Autumn! And you ate more then me!" He explained flustered and she sheepishly smiled.

"I just really love food!"

"I swear you're turning into me." Percy muttered picking the little girl up.

"You're mean!" she scrunched her face up in a playful manner and Percy swirled her around in his arms, letting the wind blow her hair around in a careless matter.

"It's what being a big brother is all about." he stated smiling with his dimples showing on the both of his cheeks.

She giggled,"I love you, Percy!"

He stopped for a moment and suddenly frowned as his heart suddenly dropped at the warm sensation in it that he hadn't felt in a long time. It felt like he was going to explode and feel yet again, and he hated having to feel.

"I...I love you too, Autumn..." he stared at her for a second, hurt dwelling again at those words. It felt foreign to his tongue, but he uncovered the truth, he did love her.

She was the first person he hasn't lied to, yet.


But he was afraid of letting her see reality and what he really is in the inside.

A monster.

He shook his head at the thought, he couldn't stand pretending to be someone he wasn't around her. She deserves someone better then him.

"Why are you sad?" she asked searching his eyes and clutching his hand, her face growing serious.

"I'm not sad." he whispered effortlessly making a small smile.

Another lie.

"Yes you are." she said with a frown playing on her lips, her facial expression sad and not happy like a child's face should be.

"Lets just get back to work, okay?" he muttered, scratching his neck.

"Okay." her hand no longer in his, goosebumps making its way towards his upper body.

He would always be alone. No matter what fate subtitled him to be, death was already ahead of the game and claiming its next victim.

And guess what?

They were always the people he cared about the most.

Percy ran a hand through his greasy hair making him even more disgusted in himself. It's been days since he actually had a proper care with his hygiene.

Not all fairytales end in happy endings.

"Why do you cut yourself?"

"Huh?" his voice caught, the wind of late summer catching up to him.

"At night..." she merely whispered, her soft voice making its way through his ears.

"I'm not strong enough to save myself that's why.."

"I don't know what you're talking about..." she muttered confused and lost, her eyebrows knitted up.

"Of course you don't," he sighed fiddling with the helm of his plain white shirt.

"Why doesn't Artemis like you?"

"Why so many questions?" he asked humorously while her cheeks turned a nice shade of pink.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2014 ⏰

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