A Harry Styles Fan Fic: Never should've left you

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                                                                     Stole My Heart

        "So, Harry have you ever fallen in love with a girl?" The reporter asked. I scratch my head feeling uncomfortable, "Umm, yes back home when i was fifteen!" I look at my bandmates and they look at me in disbelief. I have never told anyone that and I wasn't planning on telling anyone. I stand up feeling sick. When I walk out the door, I feel all eyes on me. I just keep on walking not wanting to deal with the questions. the air felt hot on my skin as I leaned against the wall. I search for my phone and pull up my contacts. We were scheduled tobe in New York in two weeks and thats where my love lived. I click mum contact and press the phone to my ear."Hello!" I call."Harry, I thought you had an interview!?" His mother questioned. I bit my nail, "It's a long story, but do you remember Beth?" "Of course sweetie, why!?" I rolled my eyes feeling a bit annoyed, "Do you know where they live?" "Yeah, if you want I can text you where they live!" "Yes, that would be great thanks!" He heard mumbling on the other end, "I have to go sweetie, bye!" "Bye!" I called. I slid my phone in my pocket and walk back to the interview. Besides, after going to New York and seeing Emma's mom, Beth and herself, it would soon cheer me up. So I hope!

A Harry Styles Fan Fic: Never should've left you (On hold)Where stories live. Discover now