Everything about you

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                                                             Everything about you

       "Why are you guys here anyway?" Emma demanded getting a water bottle out of the fridge. Everyone turned to look at Harry. Emma looked at Harry also, but confused. "What!?" She questioned. "Nothing!" Harry exclaimed. He turned his jaw and gave the guys a stern look, "Can me and Emma talk?" The guys started to protest, but gave up and walked away. Harry looked at Emma with passion. Her tan skin complimented her blue eyes. Emma turned feeling a bit shy. "So did you miss me?" Harry asked with a grin. Emma did that look at you and look away stare, "Harry, I need to tell you something!" Harry looked a bit concerned and got up, "Is everything okay?" Emma took his hand, "Yeah, I'm fine, But I have a boyfriend!" Harry stood there. He felt like he got stabbed. "I hope you understand!" She kissed him on the cheek and walked away. Harry began to cry. He grabbed his coat and ran out of the house. Harry knew he needed to find out who this boy was. Even if it took a whole year!

A Harry Styles Fan Fic: Never should've left you (On hold)Where stories live. Discover now