One Thing

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                                                                       One Thing

       We exited the car and I looked up. The house was atypical suburban house. Bushes were circled around the house, tree's were tall and big. I looked at the address that my mum gave me. 323 north 16 street Westchester, New York. Then, I lifted my head and stared at the door and then at my friends. On the ride here, I told them the story of me and Emma. They didn't believe me, the slightest. I got out of the car and looked back. I wasn't sure about this. I haven't seen her in a while. There were moments where I just wanted to get up and fly back to London. Liam grabbed my hand knowing that I'm feeling unsure, "Harry, you made us come all the way here for this and your not backing out!" I hug him, "Thanks!" I walk up to the door and ring it. "Ding, Dong!" Loui jokes. We all begin to laugh, when the door opens. A man stands in the doorway, "Who are you?" "Who are you?" I question back. "I live here!" The man responds. "Oh, well I'm Harry Styles and I'm looking for Beth!" I acknowledge. He tells me to come in and I look around the house. It smells just just like Emma used to. A scent that will never leave me. It's a mix of new shoes and Chanel number 19 scent. A women comes down the steps and screams, "Harry, how are you doing?" She wraps her hands around me and I realize it's Beth. I hug her back. "Good!" I say and realises her grip on me. She hugs all my friends and motions us to the kitchen, "Sit sit, I'm so happy you visited!" Niall speaks, "Thank you for having us!" Beth replies, "You've gotten so big and I mean as a band!" Loui interrupts, "Yeah, it's pretty hard to believe." As the conversation goes on, I begin to fade out. Focusing all my attention on finding Emma. I interrupt their conversation, not wanting to wait any longer, "Is Emma here!?" Beth turns her head, "Yes, actually she is, come with me!" We get up and Beth points outside. Wow. Wow was all I could say. She had gotten more more beautiful. "You can go on ahead out if you want, I'll be right there!" Beth directs leaving the room. Zayn opens the door, "Let's go!" We rush out and I feel my knee's go week. She is playing basketball with her friend and looks at us suddenly. When she see's me she drops her basketball. On the other hand, her friend goes berserk and barrels toward us. She runs after Zayn and hugs him, "I'm Aele!" Emma comes towards me. "So you did keep your promise!" She yells from afar. "What promise?" I ask confused. Now, Emma was closer to me. Like right in front of me, "That you were going to visit me when you got famous!" I look at her and give her one of my cheeky smiles, "Well, yeah!" I agree opening my arms for a hug. She jumps into them and gives me a kiss on the cheek. With the corner of my eye I watch my friends gaze happily at me!

A Harry Styles Fan Fic: Never should've left you (On hold)Where stories live. Discover now