More than this

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                                                                More than this

         The next morning, Emma and Harry woke up cuddled. Emma looked at Harry and smiled. He had fallen asleep. She rolled on top of him and kissed him on the forehead, "Wake up!" He opened his eyes and smiled, "Hello!" "Is it morning already?" He wondered. "Yeah!" She responded. They both got up and he stared at her as she collected her things for her morning shower. She was wearing black lingerie and her hair was up. You could see that she has piercings on her ear and tattoos all over her body. There was one tattoo that catched my eye. On her left wrist was written 7-18-09. He loved that tattoo because it was the day they both lost their virginity. He went behind her and put his hands on her waist. She twisted her head and he kissed her. Then, Took the wrist with the date and kissed it. Emma smiled shyly and put her head on his chest. He kissed her neck and she pulled away, "I need to take a shower!" "Want me to take one with you!" He joked. She giggled and shoved herself in the bathroom. That was the best night of my life he thought. Harry searched in his luggage and pulled out a ticket. It said, Madison Square Garden Arena. December 3, 2012. Front row. One Direction. He layed it on her bedside table and took a sticky note out of her desk and wrote, "Hope you can make it! - Harry XOXO" Harry grabbed his clothes and ran into the next shower.

A Harry Styles Fan Fic: Never should've left you (On hold)Where stories live. Discover now