Chapter 11

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Brittany's POV
I asked the girls not to say a word about their day till we get to our house as soon as we're home we go straight to me and Victoria's room and close the door. "So today something very important happened in all of our lives" I say "Not mine" Victoria says "Not that you know of" Briar says very low but we could still hear her "What is that suppost to mean" " We'll get to that, first Alex you tell us what happened to you today"

Alex's POV

"Well nothing really happened" "Liar" we all shout out "Fine, me, Jordan, Victoria, we were working on the trio when Isaiah and Lamar came up to us Isaiah was smiling so much it looked like he was paralyzed, then Jordan snapped her fingers in his face and he snapped out of it 'Yes hi, Alex' 'Hi Isaiah' 'i wanted to ask you something' he said rubbing his hands together 'What' I asked ' just curious would you like to be my-uh -um- my' Lamar then pays him in the back and he spits it out 'Would you like to be my girlfriend' he said extremely quickly I laughed and said 'Id uh I'd love to' i smile he says 'ok I understand no hard........ wait did you say yes' 'Yes' i said and he picked me up from my waist and spin me around and two that's my story" "Awwww that's so cute" Britt said "Can believe you got a boyfriend before me" Jordan says "That's cute" Briar says "Jordan your turn" Britt said.

Jordan's POV

"Well, nothing happened to me my day was boring" "Why you lying" Victoria said with a sassy voice "Yea if you call having a date in Friday nothing what do you call something" Alex says and I just give her a death glare "Thank you Alex" I say very angry "No problem" she said with a huge smile "Continue" Brittany said "Ok, um after Alex and Isaiah became a thing, Lamar asked me out" " So what exactly did he ask" Brittany says "He said 'Jordan now that Alex and Isaiah are dating would you like to go out sometime' then Alex answered for me and said 'She'd love to' 'Alex!!!!' 'Sorry' 'So that's a no' Lamar says pouting 'That's a yes' 'Yea ok how about Friday after the competition' 'i'd love to' 'we could celebrate our victory' i laugh and that's that" "You have a date" Briar says "Ok, Victoria your next" Brittany says.

Victoria's POV

"Nothing happened to me" I say "Well actually" Brittany interrupts me and she sounds so happy "Ok Victoria do you like Isaac" Briar asks yea I do I mean he was so kind to take me to my bed when we watched the movie and I fell 'asleep' in his arms he's sweet and cute so maybe a little. "Umm, why" "Answer the question" Brittany tells at me making me scared "Yea! Kind of a little" I say nervously "Awww Goals" Briar and Brittany say at the same time, me, Jordan and alex just look at each other super confused we just look back at them and their just staring at me this is creepy. "You've heard of our day let's hear about yours" Jordan says "Ok, but warning: the following stories will be super awkward" Brittany says "Mine isn't that awkward" Briar says "Yours is way more awkward than mine" Brittany says "It cant be that bad" I say "Me and Trevor were practicing our duet when we finished out faces were only millimeters away from each other but then" "Then What" I say very intrigued "This isn't that awkward it's awkward not that bad tho" Alex says "Isaac walks in we then run to the opposite sides of the room" "Oh that's awkward" I say "Not as awkward as what Isaac said before he came into the room and noticed I was their too" "What did he say" I say I badly want to know. "Anxious much" Briar says looking at me with furrowed eyebrows "Shut up" I say annoyed then Brittany continues "He said 'Dude, how do I tell Victoria I like her' that's what he said" the girls just gasp and look at me but Briar looks like she already knew, ofcourse she did I just stand there blushing so much. "Are you lying" I say nervous "Nope 100% telling the truth, oh but he told me not to tell you.... Dammit" "Well that was interesting and very awkward, Briar your next" Jordan says I'm still speechless.

Briar's POV

"There's nothing to tell really" "Why do we all say that, Briar there is something to tell" Brittany says annoyed "No there isn't" "Yes there is" "All I did is accidently KISS Myles on the cheak" I say looking down at the floor trying to hide my blush. "What" Jordan says "Yea that's all not interesting at all" I say nervously "Why'd you kiss him" Victoria asks me "I don't know, am I support to know" then we hear a knock at the door. We ofcourse all say not it but I end up losing "Briar!!" Alex shoutes out "Dammit" I whisper to myself we all head downstairs the girls sit on the couch but Jordan and Alex go to the kitchen, I go open the door and in so suprised by who it is I mean what's he doing here. "Hey" he says I'm so in love with his voice "Hi" I say very nervous "Um, what are you doing here" I ask "Oh I really need to talk to you" he says then you hear Alex shout out "Hey, Briar who is it" I hesitate a bit before saying "Um, uh-huh Myles" I say super quickly so they can't hear correctly but it didn't work. "What" they all say as they run towards the door "And you said it wasn't anything he clearly thought it was something cause, well, he's here" Brittany says snapping her finger in my face sassily I just roll my eyes and ignore them. "Actually I was just here to ask Briar about rehearsals but I can come back" he says nervously I look at the girls with an I told you so face but inside I'm just saying Myles did think it was nothing "Yea, whatever" Victoria says walking away with the girls. "We could schedule rehearsal for" I say but Myles cuts me off "Why'd you kiss me on the cheak" he says "I don't know" I say confused "I thought you wanted to talk about rehearsals" "Yea today's rehearsal" "I honestly dontnknow why I did that but I'm so sorry" "Are you sure" "Yea, what else would it be" "Nothing" "Also I'm so sorry for almost, kissing you while I was asleep" "How do you know" "Jordan filled me in" "Apologie excepted, when should we rehearse" "How about tomorrow at 11:45" "Yea" "Um Myles" "Yep" he says popping the p "Just curious, would it of been so bad if I had kissed you while I was asleep"  "Yea, kind of" "Oh" oh my god this is so heart breaking I guess he doesn't love me i need to just run up to my room and go cry. "But not because of you, because you wouldn't be awake to remember it" a smile instantially grows in my face, I gave him a hug and said bye.

Hope you enjoyed in sorry I ddint publish both of the chapters today I'll try to post one tomorrow♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

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