Chapter Two

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Blearily, I look around the room before coming to a realisation: it isn't my room. I sit up, immediately looking to the right of me, before sighing in relief when I realise it's Kiara.

I gently nudge her. "Kiara. Wake up."

She groans, slowly waking from her slumber. "What's the time?"

"Uh how about more pressing issues? Such as where the fuck are we?" I demand, worry etched into my face.

"Oh it's Asher's room." She states casually.

I pause, before leaping into the air. "Oh my god ew! Are you being fucking serious? You've probably fucked on this bed and I slept in it!" I scream, desperately clawing at my clothes to take them off.

Kiara rolls her eyes. "Calm the fuck down Rae. We didn't fuck last night."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure. I'm depriving him of sex."


"Because he was grinding against some slut." She hisses, furious.

"You guys aren't together. Well, not officially anyway. So why are you angry?" I try to coax the obvious truth from her.

Her brows furrow, her forehead creasing with worry. Her eyes fill with fear. "Because I..." she gulps.

"Because you what?" I whisper softly.

Her scared eyes meet mine. "Because I'm in love with him."

I reach out and pull her into my arms. "Oh Kee. It's okay. He won't abandon you like your arsehole father did to your mum. If he hurts you I'll beat the shit out of him." My voice hardens at the end, showing that I'm serious. Just because I think love is a load of bullshit and I don't want to be hurt, it doesn't mean I'll ruin it for Kiara.

She rests her head on my shoulder. "Thanks Rae."

"Anytime babe." I pause then remember. "Oh shit. I met a fit guy yesterday."

Kiara pulls away from me. "What?" Her eyes widen in excitement.

I smile, happy to see her look happier. "Yeah. He was an annoying cocky piece of shit. But a hot piece of shit."

"Uh hello? What did he look like?" She demands eagerly.

"Blonde hair, blue eyes, tall, arrogant smirk." I list.

Blinking slowly with an unimpressed look on her face, she slowly says, "Is that it?"

"Yeah." I raise an eyebrow at her. "It's not like I'm ever going to see him again so who cares?"

She opens her mouth to retort but gets interrupted by a knock on the door. "Ladies are you indecent?" Asher.

"No you perv!" Kiara screams at him.

The door opens, and Asher leans lazily against the wall. "Slept well?"

I flash him a friendly smile. "Yeah. Thanks for lending us your bed and protecting our honours."

He winks at me. "Anytime Rae." Glancing at Kiara, his face softens, love evident in his eyes. "Hey Kiara."

Kiara's cheeks flush bright red. She pushes a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Hey Asher."

Swallowing the bile rising in my throat from the gross scene in front of me, I turn to Kiara and say, "I'm heading out. I'll see you at two in the usual place."

Kiara smiles at me. "See you there Rae."

I grab my belongings and race out the door before they start fucking in front of me.


Absently, I take a sip of my hot chocolate (yes I go to a coffee shop and don't drink coffee because coffee tastes like fucking shit), glancing around Starbucks, not seeing Kiara. I get my phone out, plug my earphones in, deciding on Halsey, and start scrolling through my Pinterest news feed to pass the time.

The sound of a chair scraping across the floor and Kiara yanking out my earphones inform me of her presence. "Oh how lovely of you to grace me with your presence," I pause and look at the clock. "Half an hour late." She pouts, batting her eyelashes. "You look like a fucking idiot."

Kiara scowls at me. "If you stop insulting my puppy dog face for a fucking second I'll explain to you why I'm late." I gesture for her to continue. "Asher and I are official."

My jaw drops, eyes widening in shock. "What?" I was expecting it to happen but definitely not this soon.

She nods, a soppy smile spreading across her face. "I thought about what you said. And I'm sick of girls throwing themselves at him and his player ways. So I decided to make or official so I can beat the shit out of anyone who comes onto my man."

"I'm so happy for you." I smile genuinely.

"Thanks. Now it's your turn."

"My turn?"

"To get a boyfriend so we can go on double dates dipshit."

"Thanks." I say sarcastically. "You want to pimp me out just so you can go on double dates."

She grins. "I'm glad you understand."

"You little-" I start but freeze when I hear a familiar voice. My head snaps in that direction. "Oh fuck." I breathe.

"What? What's wrong Rae?" Kiara worried voice sounds far away.

Blue eyes meet mine, piercing through me. The same blue eyes from the party. A slow smirk spreads across his gorgeous face.

That's when I know I'm totally fucked.


A/N: There's chapter two. What do you guys think? The exciting stuff will start soon.

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