Chapter Three

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He's so gorgeous it's unfair. He's wearing jeans and a red short sleeve top that clings to his muscular biceps. Behind him are three people: a short blonde haired girl that is probably my height; a guy slightly taller than the cocky guy with brown hair and blue eyes; and a slightly shorter guy with brown hair and green eyes. The girl and the brown haired and blue eyed guy are holding hands. The girl raises an eyebrow and nudges the blue eyed god, asking him something. He says something in response, waving a hand in the air as if it isn't important.

Kiara looks where I am. As her eyes land on him, her eyes widen in realisation. "Is that-"

"Yes." I interrupt, glaring at him.

He winks at me and heads over towards us, with the other three following begins him. "He's coming this way!" Kiara squeals.

"No shit." I hiss.

He reaches us and grabs a chair, dropping it next to me and sitting down. "Hello again darling."

"Hello arsehole." I sneer.

The girl laughs. "I thought your fuckboy days were over Lucas."

The guy holding her hand smirks. "As if he could keep in his pants."

So the dickhead's name is Lucas. Huh. Kiara flashes Lucas a smile. "So you're the guy from the party Rae told me about."

Lucas smirks at me. "Rae. Interesting name."

"Wish I could say the same." I retort. The girl and the last guy shout "burn!" And laugh.

The second guy places his hand on Lucas's shoulder. "I'll make sure your funeral is great bro."

"Rae be nice." Kiara scolds. She smiles at the group. "I'm Kiara and this is Rae." She introduces us.

The girl smiles. "I'm Jesse. Lucas is my annoying twin brother."

"Hey! You love me! Your life would be miserable without me!" Lucas cries dramatically.

"Better you mean." Jesse smirks at him. The other two guys burst out laughing. She continues. "This is my boyfriend Callan." She gestures to the hot guy holding her hand. He's hot but not as hot as Lucas. No stop it Rae! Abort mission! "And this is Raiden." Raiden the green eyed guy smiles at us.

"Aw! How long have you been together?" Kiara coos.

"A year and a half." Callan smirks. "It's been the best year and a half of Jesse's life, hasn't it babe?"

Jesse scowls. "Don't call me babe you fucking dick." The others laugh as if there's some joke.

"I'll stop him don't you worry Jesse Bear!" Raiden cries.

Lucas mutters, "Help us all."

Jesse slaps the back of his head. "Don't insult my Raiden." She hisses. Wow she looks like a small blue eyed blonde angel but she's more like a demon. I decide I like her.

Raiden picks up Jesse and spins her around. "I love you!" He cries.

"I love you too!" Jesse stares dramatically into his eyes. "I will leave Callan as you're my true love."

Callan glares at Raiden. Lucas puts a hand on his arm. "Bro remember he's gay chill you possessive shit." Callan turns his glare to Lucas.

Kiara and I exchange amused looks. I turn to Lucas and snap at him, "Why did you even sit here?"

Lucas stares at me and says, "Why not?"



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