Chapter Eleven

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Kiara and I wait for our boyfriends to arrive.

Boyfriend. Lucas is my boyfriend. It's still weird for me to think.

Kiara was surprised but mostly smug. "I told you he likes you. Only two dates he's getting in there."

I smile. "It's early days yet."

"I've never seen you look this happy Rae. I'm happy you're happy." Kiara is completely serious, which is a rare thing unless she really means it.

"Look at us: we both have boyfriends. I never thought we'd see the day." I tease.

"Well I knew I would. But you..." She trails off.

"Hey!" I reach out and slap her arm. She sticks her tongue out at me.

The doorbell rings and we head down. "Lucas!" I grin at him, jumping into his embrace.

"Hey Rae." He plants a kiss on the tip of my nose before turning and acknowledging Kiara. "Hey Kiara."

"Hi Lucas. I hear you've been treating my girl well." Her eyes narrow. "I haven't forgot this dumb bet you've both got going on. You break her I'll break your face. Got it?"

Lucas's face turns serious. "I won't hurt her. I promise."

I look down to hide the smile on my face. "Good." Kiara nods.

The doorbell rings, signalling Asher has arrived. "Let's go!" Kiara grabs my hand, pulling me out the door.


"You're going down." Asher says. Kiara stands beside him, a confident look on her face.

As it's a double date we decided teams would be couple versus couple. It sucks to be Lucas because I also suck at bowling. Which he discovers fairly quickly. "Rae you see those pins at the end? That's what you're supposed to aim at, not the gutters."

Kiara and Asher are crying from laughter at my failure. "Fuck you guys." I mutter before turning to glare at Lucas. I pick up a ball and "accidentally" drop it. On Lucas's foot.

"Ouch fuck!" Lucas hisses. "Goddammit Rae was that really necessary?" He limps over to the seats and sits down, cradling his injured foot in his hands.

I widen my eyes. "Oh I'm sorry I was aiming for those pins at the end."

Asher says, "You've got to watch out for this one. She's small but she's dangerous."

Lucas curses. "I've got two of them in my life. One was bad enough."

I laugh at the mention of Jesse. "Don't fuck with us shorties." I sent Jesse a picture of Lucas in pain and explained what happened.

Jesse: Omfg lol go girl! Callan says hi btw

Me: It's a skill us midgets have ;) say hi back

A long two painful hours later, Lucas grudgingly admits defeat whilst Kiara and Asher celebrate their victory. "Remind me to never go bowling with you in public again." Lucas says.

"You love it really." I lean into him and he wraps an arm around my waist.

He pretends to contemplate. "No I don't. Especially you purposefully dropping a bowling ball onto my foot then telling Jesse. She didn't stop taking the piss out of me."

Kiara interrupts. "Where you guys want to eat?" I open my mouth and she says, "And no not KFC."

I pout and they all laugh.

"How about Burger King?" Asher suggests. Everyone but me looks happy with this decision.

"Well maybe if you were actually decent at bowling we would've won and would have gone to KFC."

"Lucas don't. It's too soon." I sniff, pretending to wipe tears from my face.

"Build a bridge and get the fuck over it."

"And you say I'm unsympathetic."

"Then I guess we're the most unsympathetic couple ever. A match made in heaven." Lucas teases.

"More like hell." I retort.

"Once again you've ruined a moment."

"What can I say? It's one of my many amazing qualities."

"Of course." I roll my eyes at Lucas's sarcasm before grabbing his hand and following Kiara and Asher to the car.


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! I'm doing my best to make the chapters longer but hey.

Nobody's perfect!

Yeah I just referenced Hannah Montana. Deal with it.

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