Chapter Seventeen

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"Oh honey." Cressida pulls me into her arms, dragging me towards the house.

Mum and dad make us all hot chocolates as we settle in the lounge. In between crying fits I eventually manage to catch everyone up on what went down.

"That fucking dickhead." Cassandra hisses.

"You laid out your heart and soul bare and he crushed it." Cressida cries, resting her head on my shoulder in a silent gesture of support.

"I'm sorry Rae." Kiara reaches out and takes my hand. "I didn't think he would do that..."

I force a smile onto my face. "I understand why he didn't. He's scared like me. He's scared I'll hurt him. I don't blame him. He'd be a lot happier without me."

"Forget him he isn't worth it. Boys aren't worth it. You, Cressida and I will be in the singles club." Cassandra exclaims.

"But... he was the first boy who was worth taking a risk for." I whimper.

"He loves you Rae. It was written all over his face for fuck sake. He'll come around." Kiara says firmly.

"We're here for you whatever happens Rae." Cressida whispers, reassuringly.

I smile sadly at them. "Thanks guys."

"Anytime babe." Kiara smiles back at me.

"You're a tough bitch Rae. You're a fighter." Cassandra grins at me.

Kiara suddenly jumps up. "Let's go to the beach!"

Cressida asks, "The beach?"

Cassandra snorts. "Why the fuck would we go to the beach? Just because it's supposedly summer in England it definitely doesn't mean it's beach weather."

Kiara rolls her eyes at the twins. "Not to go swimming you fucking idiots. To throw rocks in the sea. Get out all those pent up emotions."

Cassandra grins evilly. "We can pretend the sea is Lucas and throw rocks as hard as we can at him! Or even better go over there in person and throw rocks at his house and at him-"

Cressida places a hand on her twin's arm. "Calm down Satan. We aren't going to throw rocks at Lucas's house or at him. I don't want to spend the rest of my life visiting you in prison."

I laugh for the first time today. "I agree with Cressida. Let's settle with the beach and our imaginations, okay?" I look pointedly at Cassandra, who grudgingly huffs and nods.


"Yay! I'll drive!" Kiara volunteers.

And just like that, we're off to the beach.


"You fucking piece of shit! How dare you hurt our Rae!" Cassandra screams.

Cressida, Kiara and I all sit back, calmly eating ice cream, watching Cassandra unleash her anger onto the imaginary Lucas.

"Fucking hell remind me to never get on her really bad side." Kiara mutters to me.

Cressida, clearly used to her twin's behaviour, laughs. "Yeah it definitely isn't pretty."

"I can tell." I mutter, though my lips twitch in amusement. I did throw rocks and scream abuse at imaginary Lucas alongside Cassandra but it's so much more satisfying sitting back and letting Cassandra do it.

"I feel like we should film this." Kiara gets her phone out and starts filming.

"You've probably got a tiny dick that's shrivelled up! It's as small as your mind and as incompetent as your ability to forgive! I'm going to steal some of these big arse rocks and tie them to your little dick and use the rocks to weigh it down and rip it off slowly and painfully."

Looks like Kiara decided on a good time to start filming.


We stayed at the beach until the sun went down, then went back to mine. We're all camped out in my room. Kiara picks up Clueless and What's Your Number, two of my favourite films, which we all watched both of.

As Cressida and Cassandra arrived this morning and are jet lagged, they're both already asleep. Kiara nudges me to one side of my single bed and cuddles up next to me.

"Are you okay? Really?" She whispers so she doesn't wake the twins up.

I shake my head. "Not really. I miss him. I miss his cocky comments and his cocky smirk. I miss his blue eyes. I miss his arms wrapped around me. I miss his kisses."

"Aw babe." Kiara pulls me into her arms. "You'll be okay."

"What makes you so sure?"

"You survived before him, so you'll survive after him." She simply says.

"Thanks Kiara. For everything. Even if I haven't managed to fix things with Lucas I have a truce with my parents. I wouldn't have done it without your words of wisdom."

"You're welcome Rae. Anytime."


A/N: Which friend would you most likely be in that situation: Kiara, Cressida or Cassandra?

And don't kill me but this book will finish in a few chapters or so. I can't write a full length novel so this is as long as I can write. Deal with it.

Please vote and comment as usual!

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