Chapter Seven

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I freeze in shock. What the fuck?

Lucas is kissing me.

Kissing me.

Slowly, as the shock leaves me, I start to respond, wrapping my arms around his neck. One of his hands slide down my body and stop at my lower back, pressing my body flush against his.

I moan at the feel of him against me. His lips part and our tongues meet in a desperate battle to take charge. I realise it's futile so I let Lucas take the lead.

He walks backward, dragging me with him as he falls backwards against the bed, with me on top of him. His hands slide down to cup my arse in his hands, and he moans against my lips. "Fuck Rae." He whispers huskily. "What are you doing to me?" He rests his forehead against mine.

"I could ask you the same thing." I breathlessly respond. I pull away, but Lucas tightens his grip on me.

"Just lay with me. Please." After seeing the wary look on my face, he hurries to add, "I won't try anything. I promise. You deserve more than that."

Narrowing my eyes, I hiss "Damn right I am. If you just want to fuck me, then just walk away because it isn't happening."

He runs his hands through his blonde hair. "I don't. Well, I mean I do, but I wouldn't just leave after like I did with all those girls I used to fuck. We'll date and all that first. Maybe become girlfriend and boyfriend. And we'll see what happens."

Fear spreads through me. I like the idea of possibly ending up being Lucas's girlfriend and that scares the shit out of me. I laugh it off. "Yeah right. Good joke. I don't believe in love."

Curious, he raises an eyebrow. "You don't?"

"No. It's a load of fake bullshit. It only ends in disaster anyway, so why waste your time?" I reason.

Hurt briefly flickers across his face before it sets in determination. "Okay. Let's bet on it. I bet I can make you fall for me. I'll show you that love is real, and that you'll in love with me."

I laugh. "You won't win. I won't fall in love with you."

He shrugs. "If you're so sure, say yes then. Give me a chance to prove you wrong. What have you got to lose?"

I contemplate for a minute then decide fuck it. "Okay. Fine. But when I don't feel the same way there's no hard feelings."

He smirks arrogantly. "You underestimate my wooing abilities."

"Oh really?"

"As well as my stunning looks and charismatic personality." He adds, looking completely sure of himself.

I pat him on the shoulder. "Keep telling yourself that."

"Please you kissed me back. It takes two to tango darling."

"Yeah that's lust, not love. There's a difference."

"They belong together. Just like you and me."

"That was terrible."

"Terribly amusing you mean."

I pretend to consider. "No I meant terrible."

His hand flies to his heart. "You wound me fair maiden."

Rolling my eyes, I say, "Let's get back to the party before they get the wrong idea."

"You mean the right idea."





"Bye Lucas!"

"Wait for me!"


The next morning, I receive a text from Kiara.

Kiara: Hey sorry I've been so busy. I'm a shitty friend I know. Wanna meet up usual place at 2? Xx

Me: Yes you are. Sure meet you there I have goss xx

Kiara: What!!!!!! Tell me xx

Me: Cya at 2 don't be late xx

Smirking as I know I've successfully pissed her off by withholding information, there's a small chance she might actually be on time.

As I've still got a few hours before I have to leave, I open the Wattpad app and start reading.


To my shock when I arrive, Kiara is already there with our drinks ready. She stands up and throws her arms around me. "Rae! I'm so sorry I've ignored you! Please forgive me."

Suffocated by her boobs, I mutter. "I do because you won't stop bugging me if I don't."

"Yay!" She squeals, finally pulling away so I can breathe. "Now what's the goss?"

Rolling my eyes at her impatience, I sit down, take a sip of my hot chocolate, and fill her in.

When I've finished, she frowns. "Uh Rae? Are you sure that it's a good idea? I don't want to see you get hurt."

I laugh. "I'll be fine. I can take care of myself."

She gives me a look which shows she doesn't believe me. "From what I've gathered you both like each other and are scared of committing. So you're treating it like a game to try and make it seem like it means less. But it doesn't."

I scowl at her. Where'd she get her wisdom from? Oh that's right: me. Dammit Rae. "We've only known each other a short amount of time and just made out when we were tipsy. We were caught up in the moment."

"Mhmm keep telling yourself that. I'll be your maid of honour at your wedding." She smirks.

I throw a little sachet of sugar at her in retaliation. "Shut up. How are things with you and Asher?" I ask, knowing she'll drop it and forget about it.

And sure enough, she starts gushing about Asher and all thoughts of Lucas and I are forgotten.


A/N: Ooohhhh shit got real. The bet has been introduced.

Who do you think will be right: Rae or Kiara?

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