7) ...I need to make it right

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Contact lenses are shit. That was her first thought when she woke up. Her eyes burnt so much she could cry and she did, since the crumpled material was stinging in her eyes. Vera touched it to remove them, when a sharp pain ran through her hand. And of fucking course, she had a splint on her wrist which was contused from yesterday, because yesterday had been the best day of her life. And they said TGIF.

TGIF, my ass.

She blindly reached the bathroom, removing her contacts with her right hand. She splashed cold water in her eyes - it relieved her pain a little. She used her moistening eye-drops too. She still felt like a zombie.

Vera took a very long shower. She enjoyed the feeling of hot water hitting her body in tiny drops and washed her hair, which was unpleasantly difficult when using only one hand. It was painful to use towel properly too. It was annoying. But hey, she was alive.

With eyes still burning she put on her glasses rather than a new pair of lenses and found her old, comfortable and warm hoodie with sweatpants.

Her phone was one big red notification. She had 5 missed calls from Mrs. Walker, multiple texts, and yes, precisely eighteen missed calls from Terri. Guess she didn't have to tell her about the adventure with gunmen and the Devil. The Devil. The picture of his arm stained with blood flashed through her mind. She hoped that he was alright. Like 'alright' given the circumstances. Alive.

She called her boss first. Mrs. Walker almost cried Vera's ear off - she had to move the phone away. She kept apologizing for sending Vera there ("It's alright, Mrs. Walker, it wasn't your fault."), told her multiple times not to worry about the money, they had insurance and she would take care of it ("Thank you, Mrs. Walker. That's very kind of you."), reassured Vera she wouldn't have to pay for the new uniform, don't be silly, and warned her that if she came at work on Sunday, she would fire her, because Vera needed to rest ("Uhm. Thanks. Monday morning?"). It was exhausting.

Vera checked the time so she knew if it was safe to call Terri. It was almost eleven, so she went for it. She did have a few missed calls from her after all.

Terri didn't make it to the date last night. Well, she waited in front of the cinema when Mrs. Walker called her, so she allegedly stood up her fashion designer, texting him – sorry, my friend is held hostage in a bank robbery. Vera would love to see the man's face reading it.

Terri asked her whether she could come over. Vera's apartment was a mess and she was a mess, but she agreed anyway. Her friend would come around three, so Vera tried to make the flat at least presentable. It was a pain. Literally.

They decided pizza and movie, which, gross, pizza as a late lunch - Vera loved it. Terri brought wine and A Dog's Purpose, because Vera hadn't seen it and apparently it was a must. She cried like a baby and despite Terri denying it, she knew her friend cried too. They had a great time.

"So, another adventure with the Devil, huh?" she brought up and Vera sighed. She should have seen it coming.

"It appears so. I would rather skip this one, to be honest."

"Yeah, no kidding. An armed robbery. Jeez, girl. I can't let you go anywhere alone," her tone was light, playful, but her face screamed worry. Terri wasn't the kind of person who would worry too much. Vera was a bad influence on her.

"Sorry," she sighed again and then smiled. "At least I saw him fight this time. He is a freaking ninja."

Terri took the bait. "Oh, do tell. Was there any flipping involved?"

Damned If I Do *Matt Murdock* (book one of Damned)Where stories live. Discover now