Chapter 6

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I woke up early Monday morning. I couldn't sleep and was all out of sorts. I went downstairs to the kitchen, and Alex was there having a bowl of cereal. His expression was like a little boy who got caught, with his hand in the cookie jar.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He grinned, as he ate his last spoonful of cereal. He actually, tipped the bowl, and drank the milk.

"I guess I never expected you to be such a normal guy. With a full time cook on staff, you chose to eat a bowl of cereal?" It really was remarkable to see. Then I went and sat next to him at the kitchen table.

"Why are you up so early, anyway?" He nudged me with his shoulder.

"I'm thinking about the game plan for today. I know Brandon mentioned filing new adoption papers, and having John McKay investigated. I need to go back to my apartment and get a few more things for me and Liliana." No wonder I couldn't sleep, once I said that out loud.

"Brandon, is going to file the new adoption paperwork today, and speak with a private investigator that he knows. I can take you to your apartment and drop you off. It turns out, I have to go in to the office for a meeting. Then I'll come back and get you. Liliana, will stay with my mother while we're gone today." Alex had everything mapped out and under control.

As we pulled in front of my apartment, I saw glass in the street. Someone had thrown a brick through the windshield of my parked car, and spray painted, "I'll be back," on my car. Alex called the police. They couldn't find any finger prints. There was no way to prove that John had done this. But I knew it was him.

I stood there trembling in the street next to my completely damaged car. I was trying not lose the contents of my stomach. I was so frightened of that man, and him taking my little girl from me.

I was shaken and I didn't hear Alex approach. "I'm going to come with you to your apartment, while you get what you need. I'll call Chance and Brandon to let them know what happened. We have to speed handling this situation up." Alex was hyper-cautious talking to me.

While we were in my apartment, Alex was on the phone making a ton of calls. There was a knock at the door and he beat me to it. He answered it, thinking it might be John McKay.

A woman was standing there looking behind Alex, with her gaze directed at me. "Megan Kennedy?"

"Yes, I'm Megan Kennedy." I spoke up, as I scrutinized the woman.

"You've been served." The woman handed me the envelope and walked away.

I opened the envelope and read over the contents. "John McKay is contesting my adoption of Liliana, and he wants full custody." I handed the letter to Alex to read.

I fell to the floor, clutching my stomach. I could no longer hold back the nauseous feeling. . .I dreaded this moment. I knew John was going to fight for custody of Liliana. The room was spinning and suddenly everything went black.

I woke up in Alex's office, at Corwin Development Corporation. He had picked me up, carried me to his car, and brought me here. I was lying down on the sofa in his office when I saw him speaking to Chance and Brandon, with his back turned to me. They were speaking in hushed tones, so I couldn't hear what they were saying.

Alex, turned around and saw that I was awake. "Hey, how are you feeling? You've been sleeping off and on, all day. We had a doctor. . . whose office is downstairs, come check you out. I told him what happened this morning and he said your reaction was understandable given these circumstances." Alex put his hand on my face and checked my forehead.

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