Let me go!

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"J-Jimmy Casket-Sir-!" Toast tried to say, his voice coated in fear and shock.

"Shh..~" Jimmy soothed, pressing the side of his knife to Toasts lips. "There, finally quiet.~" he giggled.

Toast couldn't do much. Being pinned under a murderer in the body of your best friend will paralyze you in fear like that. All he could do was stare at Jimmys glowing red eyes.

"What do you want?" Toast whispered.

"I feel your hands shaking. You're scared?" He laughed. "Are you afraid of little ol' me?~"

Toast merely nodded.

"I know, let's play a game, shall we?~" he paused. "Yes. Hide and seek. My favourite. You hide somewhere in the apartment and I'll find you. When I do, I get to.. StAb sTaB sT.. Ab! Ahahahaaha~"
He climbed off of Toast and left him walk to the door. Toast opened it, looking back to see Jimmy standing near his bed, twirling his knife.


Toast opened the door and ran out, closing it behind him. He looked at the front door, leading out of the apartment. He argued to go out there and run, but if He did, he knew Jimmy would just go and kill innocent people.


So, he ran into Ghosts room and unlocked his phone.

Ghost: Spooker! Please answer! This is Johnny Toast! I'm requesting help. Come down to my apartment! We need help.
(11:06 pm)

He sent it and thought.

Spooker didn't know about Jimmy and Ghost.

"One~ Ready or not, here I come, Johnny-boy.~"

Oh crap!! Toast though, running into Ghosts wardrobe. He stood with his back presses to the back of the wardrobe. A few clothes covered him, but his feet were visible.

His heart pounded. His hands were sweating. He thought about how Ghost would feel if he saw him dead.

He forgot to shut Ghosts door.
Footsteps walked past the room, going into the living room. He heard some fabric ripping followed by some giggles.

"You're making knifey sad-he just wants to say hello.~"

The footsteps then made their way back to Ghosts room. They stepped into the room and looked around. Through a crack in the wardrobe, Toast could see Jimmy sniffing the air.

"I know you're in here~ I can smell you~"

Just as he gave up looking, a vibration sound filled the silent room, not only saying that there was a text, but also giving away Toast position.

The closet doors opened.

"Here's Jimmy!"

Toast screamed in a very          un-manly way.

Jimmy grabbed his arm and pulled him out, cutting his arm in the process. Toast managed to pull free, only to trip on one of Ghosts hoodies that he had left laying on the floor. He cried out as he felt a pain through his shoulder.

My stitches better not have come undone! He paused, looking back.  Darn it Ghost. I told you to clean your room and do the laundry!

He sat up and held Jimmy off of him by his shoulders. His shoulder hurt. But he couldn't get stabbed.

Jimmy giggled and swiped his knife across Toast face, cutting his cheek and just above his eyebrow.

Jimmy giggled and licked the knife. The taste of Toasts blood seemed to make his go more insane.

"Stay still Toaster, I just want to, sTaB StAb STAB you! Ahahahaha!~"

"Get off me!" He screamed at Jimmy. He pushed Jimmy off him and pinned him to the floor, the knife sliding out of his hands.

"You never go down without a fight, do you?" Jimmy folded his arms and pouted as Toast grabbed his shoulders-keeping him down.

"I'm fighting for Ghost! Now give him back!" Toast tried to ignore the pain in his shoulder.

"You're such a spoil-sport."

"Jimmy! Give. Ghost. Back. Now."

"Fine. You may win now, but later, I'll kill you, and those other stupid recruits! Just you watch! I'll use your flesh as a stress toy!"

Toast watched as his eyes turned from red to brown again. He smiled down at Ghost.


The door burst open and Spooker and Colon stood there with a crowbar and torch.

"Uh," Colon looked at them.

"Where we interrupting something?" Spooker asked, noticing their position.

Ghosts cheeks blushed a dark red as Toast climbed off him.

"N-no." Ghost said.

"Right, well, are you okay?" Colon looked at Toast. "Why are you hurt?"

"I tripped." He said, standing up.
"Thank you for seeing if we are okay, you can go back to dancing and such now."

"Okay," Spooker said as they shut the door.

"Sir, at you hurt?" Toast asked, turning to his boss.

"Why are you bleeding? Did Jimmy do this?"

Toast nodded.

Ghost launched himself at Toast.
"I'm sorry. I should've had better control."

"It's okay Sir. Really. I'm just glad you're okay."

Outside the door, Spooker and Colon stood there.

"Shipped!" They whisper-yelled, laughing as they went back to their room.

Well then.

I'm supposed to be studying.
But still, fan fiction first-am I right?

*sips tea* well, hope you enjoyed the chapter. And I'll see you next chapter.


You Never Know 2 (Ghost X Toast) (VenturianTale)Where stories live. Discover now