Springtrap's Roast Session

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Starring: Springtrap and whoever becomes his victim.

Springtrap: Hmmm, who should I start with????

Foxy: Do Mangle first!

Springtrap: You mean the fox that doesn't have any gender?

Freddy: Ohhhhhh! First roast down!

Springtrap: Lets not get started with you Fatbear, you seriously need a diet before you come talking to someone like me.

Freddy: ;-; I'm only big because of mah jelly beans.

Springtrap: Alright, now how about you Foxy the Dopey Pirate? Got anything you'd like to say before you go masturbate outside of the security guards office again?

Foxy: .............I'm gonna go kill myself now.

BB: Lmao!

Springtrap: Oh hey Balloon Boy, nice of you to drop in, oh wait, nvm. Did you float into the chat with your round ass balloon head?

BB: ;-;

Nightmare: That was hella cheesy dude.

Springtrap: Only someone who can't be seen in the darkness because they are so black would say something like that.

Golden Freddy: Was that meant to be a racist joke?

Springtrap: I don't know, goldie locks, is it? Or was it a simple reference from your rusty ass lookin self.

Golden Freddy: Im offended.

Bonnie: How harsh. XD

Springtrap: Says only the bunny boy that dreamed about having a male stripper be the new security guard.

Bonnie: .......He read mah diary......

Toy Bonnie: Hahahahaha

Springtrap: Ohh, the wannabe women is here, come to give me the latest update of clothing?

Toy Bonnie: .......That's only on Tuesday's, its Friday....

Chica: Wow. XD

Springtrap: Whatchu croaking at chicken? Go back to the nest with your own kind.

Chica: ;-;

Toy Chica: So your saying that I should do that same thing too?

Springtrap: Nah, prostitute ally is down the street, that's where you originally came from.

Toy Freddy: Annnnd, the pettiness strikes.

Springtrap: What was that, dope stasher? Were you referring to your pettiness stunt when you stole mikes cigars and used them for your own high needs?

Toy Freddy:..... *shoots himself*

JJ: That's not very nice.

Springtrap: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't even notice you, cause your such a piece of trash that nobody gives a shit about.

Marionette: Enough, Springtrap!

Springtrap: Uhm, no thanks chucky imposter, I'd rather stay away from you, the child molester.


Springtrap: Annnnd, you two!

-Springtrap points at Shadow Bonnie & Shadow Freddy-

Shadow Freddy: Don't you even dare.

Shadow Bonnie: Oh, god. Cover the kidssss earssss, Bonnie, cover your ears.

Bonnie: I'm not a KID!!!!

Shadow Bonnie: That's not what you said to freddy last night.

Bonnie: Fuck offfff!

Springtrap: Y'all two areeeeeee....

Shadow Bonnie: Ohhh, shit, hide! Here it comes!

Freddy: I gotta hide mah jelly beans.

-Freddy dips out before hitting into the wall and knocking himself out-

Foxy: Holy shit! Freddy took the easy way out!

Toy Freddy: Shut the hell up! He's not dead!

Shadow Freddy: His dumbass hit into the wall, and his jelly beans flew everywhere, great.

BB: Guys! Spring is about to say the word! Run!

Golden Freddy : Everyone! Run into something! Take the easy way out like Freddy!

Foxy: Well fuck dat, I'm goin first!

-Foxy bangs his head against the wall and passes out-

Bonnie: Everyone keeps doing this shittt!

Golden Freddy: We all need Jesusssssss

Shadow Bonnie: -takes out a poem- I wrote this poem to all da Jesus's.

Shadow Freddy: Are you fucking retarded!?

Toy Bonnie: Jesus's? There is more then one?

Shadow Bonnie: It will be now! Jesus's save mehhhh! -shadow bonnie runs outside the pizzeria and gets hit by a car- FUCKKKKKK! JESUS YOU DIDN'T FUCKING SAVE MEEEEEE!

Shadow Bonnie: Fuckingggg idiottttt!

Toy Freddy: Mine as well get rid of more retards.

-Toy Freddy grabs chica and toy chica and throws them into the stove-

Toy Freddy: Cook, chickens, cook!

Toy Bonnie: What is happening?!!!

Bonnie: Suicide is the only way outttt!

Golden Freddy: nah, actually, im gud, bai guyzzz, y'all hear Spring's racist wrath.

-Golden Freddy teleports away-

Bonnie: That bastard!

Toy Bonnie: I gotta get outta here!

-Toy Bonnie runs away as he steps on a balloon, making it fling into BB's mouth as BB started choking to death-

Mangle: Dying child!!!!!

Bonnie: Holy fuck! What do I doo!?

Mangle: Anything!

Bonnie: I got this!

-Bonnie punched BB and knocked him out-

Bonnie: Oops....

Toy Freddy: Fucking idiot

Bonnie: I'm a child molester!

Marionette: You didn't even molest him.....

Bonnie: Yeah I d- I mean, Child abuseeeee!

Toy Freddy: Mhmm

-Toy Freddy pulls out a cigar and smokes on it before he accidentally choked on it-

Marionette: Oh great, another one!

Bonnie: I got it!

-Bonnie knocks out Toy Freddy-

Bonnie: Uhmmmm

Marionette: Wow, you retard. I'm done.

-Marionette vanishes-

Springtrap: Its just me and you, Bonnie.

Bonnie: Uhmmm. Daddy help mehhh!

Springtrap: Oh helllll nawwww! You are gayyyyyy!

Bonnie: ;-;

Springtrap: Ewwwww

Bonnie: ;;-;;

Springtrap: Bye, Nigga.

-Springtrap pulls out a gun and shoots himself-

Bonnie: ;-; I heard the racist word....

Bonnie: ;-; and also found out that I'm not a momma's boy anymore....T^T

Bonnie: I'm.......

Bonnie: A dinosaur..... ┌|°з°|┘


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