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Starring: Springtrap, Golden Freddy, Freddy, & Bonnie

~Continued on version of Chapter 13~

Springtrap: Heyo hoes!

Bonnie: Top of da mornin to ya ladies!

Golden Freddy: Ladies?

Bonnie: Yep :D

Freddy: I gawt a vagina so its all good.

Golden Freddy:.......I knew my brother was a secret trans.....

Freddy: Suck my puuuuhhhh bitch!

Springtrap: Ew stahp.

Bonnie: Well hello there everyone, this is CFD newz here to show you markipliers secret son along with a child predator and a diabetic retard.

Freddy: ;-; im workin on mah diabetes.

Springtrap: CFD news?

Bonnie: Calling Fags Dinosaurs....Duh!

Springtrap: Well ok....

Golden Freddy: E-excuse me. b-But you're disrespecting a f- future AmEricAn Soldier..

Springtrap : Are you fucking autistic?

Golden Freddy:......Maybe......

Springtrap:............No wonder when your watching movies one eye is on the screen and the other is staring down.

Golden Freddy: Yeah, its starring at your penis

Springtrap: Da fawq!

Freddy: This is getting more gay every second.

Bonnie: Tell me about it Regina.

Freddy: oof *puts on black shades and sits on a toy barbie car* Get in losers we're going shopping.

Springtrap: Mom! Ragina's here! *runs into the barbie car and slides across the room* Woooooooooo!

Golden Freddy: Damn. Somebody needs to stop watching mean girls.

Springtrap:.....Dats mah favorite movie......

Freddy: I like Care Bears. :D


Golden Freddy:.....Should I tell him?

Springtrap: Don't ruin his childhood.

Golden Freddy: Fine.

Bonnie: Freddy did chu know dat I love you?

Freddy: Yep. I love you too, Bonnie.

Springtrap: Goldie never says that to me....

Bonnie: *le gasp*

Golden Freddy: Wut?

Freddy: *sniffles* Go give your sugar plum princess a kiss and tell em that you love em.

Golden Freddy: Ew no. I'm not lovey dovey like that.

Bonnie: But spring always tells you how much he loves you tho.....

Freddy: Damn. That's so fucked up....


Golden Freddy: Idc. I'm not gonna say I love you to him, he already knows it.

Bonnie: Does he?

Freddy: Iz it cause how da booty wor-

Bonnie: Freddy shushhhhh!

Freddy: Oof. Mah bad.

Golden Freddy: Whatever. Its not important.

Springtrap:.....I'm so unappreciated... Bye guys....

-Springtrap left the chat-

Bonnie: 😭 Baby come back!

Freddy: Excuse you?

Bonnie: U-Uhm, I meant. Doritooooo, come back from mexicooooo.

Freddy: You mean Hitler stay in Germany....

Bonnie: No. I meant muslims stay in seria so 9/11 doesn't occur again.

Freddy: You mean Donald Tru-

Golden Freddy: Stahp! You idiots!

Bonnie: Looks like someone needs ObamaCare.

Freddy: Or a new butt plug....

Golden Freddy: Fuck you both! You caused me to have no boyfriend anymore! I hope you assholes are proud!

-Goldie left the chat-

Freddy: Hmm, yeah. I feel good.

Bonnie: Its cause you just sat on some kid's hamster.

Freddy: Yeah, annnnnd. We won!

Bonnie: Won what?

Freddy: The trophy for who iz daa best couple in daa pizzeria.

Bonnie: Ohhhh. Yes!

???: Hold it!!!

Bonnie: Oh no....

Freddy: Please no....

??????: Yep

???:  Its our turn now~

~Round 3. Coming soon~

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