Chapter 2: Caught on the Balcony

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Needless to say, you're the last fan to exit the fan-meet room. Feeling a bit thirsty from your encounters, you stroll over to the buffet to scoop up some tropical punch into a red solo cup. You take a small sip, almost dropping it when a chorus of screaming erupts as the door behind the staircase opens once more. Sweat beads on your forehead. Time to mingle.

However, being a bit of a loner, you instead lean up against the wall as you watch the fans crowd around each member, managers and security standing guard next to each of them.

You let out a bit of air through your mouth. "I can do this," you whisper to yourself as you start walking over to where Jin is standing. But to your dismay, he seems too preoccupied with other fans. Sighing heavily, you give up and start making your way back to the wall, intending to wait until the fans thin out a bit. If that ever happens

As you're leaning back against the wall with your arms crossed, staring broodily in Jin's direction, you feel a presence lean on the wall beside you. You look over, startled see Taehyung himself has broken through the crowd for a second,  and is mirroring your pose, a pouty scowl planted on his perfect face. Wondering at how he even noticed you there, you find yourself laughing at his extra face, which causes him to break character and laugh along with you.

Tae places two fingers on either side of your face and pushes up the corners of your mouth slightly. "Smile!" He teases with his husky voice, grinning at you. You can't help but grin back. He tugs at your hand and pushes you into the crowd, reminding you to have fun and not be so serious. You look back to thank him but find he has already rejoined the crowd. These boys really are something, aren't they? You muse to yourself as you down the rest of your punch. 

Suddenly, you hear a loud voice call out from the upstairs balcony, and squint up to see Hoseok screaming, "Dance party!" while loud electronic music begins to play from overhead speakers, mixed by a DJ. The lights dim and the Bangtan members holler as well, rushing upstairs to join Hoseok, the rest of the party following, including you.

For a couple hours, everyone is dancing and having a good time, and little while later, you stumble into Namjoon again. 

"Hey, miss Katie!" he says loudly to you over the bass of the music. Oh god, he remembers my name. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. 

"Hey Namjoon! It's nice to see you again!" you smile warmly at him. 

Chitchatting for a few minutes, you congratulate him on their new album, and say how excited you are for the concert tomorrow night. The seats you got were far back in the audience, not being able to afford better, but you didn't want to complain to him about that.

"Honestly, this whole experience feels so surreal. I wish I knew Korean so I could talk to everyone more!" You'd interacted with each member a bit, but the language barrier made it hard to have a full conversation, except for with Namjoon and Jin, who are both fluent in English. You've been too shy to seek Jin out again though, and you weren't sure why.

"Yeah, it really is surreal, huh?" He scratches the back of his head subconsciously, a genuine smile on his face. "The members have been working really hard on their English. One of our favorite things is to interact with international fans of all languages." He gazes at you suddenly and looks down at your shoes, "Nice converse," he taps your foot with his own black converse. 

"Oh thank you! I think Yoongi would really hate our converse, though." You giggle at him while nodding over to Yoongi, and you both look down at your feet and chuckle at your stupid joke. 

"I'm glad we got to talk again, miss Katie!" Namjoon gives you a slight bow as one of the managers pulls him away. You bow back and wave at him, a slight frown forming on your face. He was a good conversationalist and was making you feel at ease within the party, but you find yourself feeling unnerved again without his presence.

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