Chapter 4: Super Saiyan Yoongi-Goku

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"How was the party, sweetie?" your mom asks you over the phone as you eat some Cocoa Pebbles, still in your pjs. "Did you get to meet Jin?" she adds. You almost choke on your cereal at her second question.

"Y-yeah mom. Uh, all of BTS was great..." you trail off, coughing.

"Is something wrong?" she asks with a concerned note in her pleasant voice.

You smile to the phone. "Of course nothing is wrong, mom. I'm just a little beat still." You chuckle.

"Well, I'll let you get some rest. Have fun at the concert tonight, Kate! I love you."

"I love you too, mom." You hang up the phone, mind racing across all the events that occurred last night. You rub your temples, developing a slight headache.

I wonder what else I can mess up tonight. Maybe I'll trip over the stage lights or fall on all of Bangtan. Who knows?

Sighing, you look around your cozy, one bedroom, one bath apartment. It isn't much, but you are happy to be living on your own at such a young age. Having a degree in cosmetology, you haven't quite found a job in the field yet, and are stuck behind a desk all day entering data. Your blue eyes linger on the bathroom, a more pleasant thought forming in your imaginative brain.

Jin emerges from the steamy bathroom, only a white towel hanging off his hips, his toned skin still glistening with dew from the shower. He grins at you eyeing him up and down, and you blush crimson. He ruffles his hair with his hands, trying to dry it out a bit, gazing at you with his intense, dark eyes. As he does this, the towel accidentally slips off and...

"Katie, get a hold of yourself, you know that would never happen." You snap at yourself and shake your head, the corners of your mouth curling up despite your chastizing.

And more red paper hearts, exactly like the one Jin put in your album, flutter to the ground from the towel as it falls, bearing all.

Giggling to yourself as you finish your cereal, you inspect your raffle ticket once more with great excitement, mixed with a slight sense of dread. You saw how the other fans stared you down as you grabbed the raffle ticket, shrinking under their jealousy.

It's not my fault they picked me...well...okay, maybe a little. If I'm lucky, Yoongi will murder me tonight to further ensure my silence. You gulp.

"Yah, nosy converse girl! This is the end of the line for you. Your last mistake was lock picking that balcony door. Didn't Jin say, 'doors are locked for a reason?'" Yoongi's eyes are red with fury as he assumes his final form, blonde hair growing long and shooting up around his head, clothes ripping to shreds, revealing his ridiculous muscles as glowing white fire surrounds his body like an aura. He unsheathes a shining silver katana that was strapped to his belt. You notice the blade is engraved with 'Agust D' as he slices you in two like a fruit from Fruit Ninja, your final thoughts being only of his furious glare piercing into your broken soul.

You shudder. Yoongi-Goku is not who you hope to run into tonight. You resolve to avoid him as much as possible, intending to focus on your bias.


The thick fog of giddy air could be cut through with a knife. You stand next to the other seven raffle winners to the left of the stage an hour before the concert starts. They all look as nervous as you feel. Scanning the area, you see that many fans have already been seated, the front rows packed tight. You notice the five guest crew member girls turning their heads towards you and looking away quickly, gossiping to each other, all clad head to toe in BTS merch. You roll your eyes.

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