Chapter 10: Awkward Pt. 2

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Jin's POV:

"So...what happened last night?" Taehyung asks, eyebrows wiggling, grey hair falling slightly over his dark eyes. Jimin stares up at Jin with bright curiosity, his small, cute hands resting on his chin.

"Aish," Jin runs his hands through his hair in awkwardness. "I don't really remember," he admits sheepishly, yawning and stretching his long limbs.

"I mean, it seems like you two had a fun time," Jimin grins, slyly showing Jin the picture again. Jin grows pale.

"I know, I know, Jimin. We did get drunk; it's kind of all a haze." Jin blinks as the memories of him pressing you up against the wall flood into his brain, and he coughs.

"You okay?" Jimin smacks Jin on the back as he continues to cough.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. I think I need some water," Jin croaks.

"Thirsty?" Taehyung asks, mischievous dancing on his features. Jin purses his lips and shakes his head as he grabs his water bottle from his suitcase to fill it.

Aish, Katie. I thought you said nothing happened. Jin scolds your image in his head as he gulps down water, a headache throbbing in his temples. Burying his face in his pillow, he groans, and feels a weight sitting on the edge of the bed.

"You sure you're okay, Jin?" Namjoon pipes, placing a hand on Jin's shoulder and rubbing it gently with his thumb. Jin gazes up wearily from the pillow, nodding slowly.

"Just a bit I have time to sleep still?" he asks groggily.

"We have to leave in about," Namjoon checks his phone, "30 minutes." Jins groans even louder and rolls over onto his side in pain.

"Shouldn't have drank so much," Yoongi scolds, snacking on chips noisily. 

"Thanks Yoongi, I know..." Jin trails off as he pulls the covers up over him. Just then, the bathroom door opens, steam rolling out as Jungkook emerges in nothing but a towel, ruffling his dark brown hair dry. 

"What'd I miss?" He inquires to the room. Jimin and Tae snicker at him, and Yoongi makes a clicking sound with his tongue. 

"Nothing, just, Jin is back," Hoseok informs Jungkook. Jin tilts his head up to eye Hoseok. The sunny man is sitting cross-legged on the bed, sipping tea and flicking through his phone with round reading glasses pushed slightly down his nose. He notices Jin and smiles at him reassuringly. Hobi and Namjoon seems to be the only ones calm about this situation, Jin notes. I wish the other members would just let it go. Jin smiles weakly back.

"Oh, OH! Jin, what happened!" Jungkook pokes Jin in the head, but the man does not move.

Jungkook, please spare me.

"We'll tell you later, Kook," Tae says, giggling.

"Oooh, okay," Jungkook says cutely, getting dressed.


After the concert:

This time, you didn't question whether or not Jin was gracing you with looks throughout the concert. You felt special and loved, sitting in the front row, watching Bangtan perform songs from their newest album, Love Yourself. Your favorite performance was Mic Drop; it was so powerful and hype. And my Jin got a bunch of lines, finally, you smile to yourself. My Jin.

The air isn't laced with hostility like the first BTS concert you attended, which lifts your spirits. It seems so long ago, now, when Jin and I were still strangers. Gazing up at your best friend that you've grown to love not just as an idol, but as a person, his eyes lock with yours, and he gifts you with the most brilliant smile you've ever seen, his handsome face brightening up the entire auditorium. He then gives a small wave and kiss to the room, still staring at you as he exits backstage gracefully behind the rest of the members. Your heart flutters and your cheeks redden, this exchange further ensuring you that your decision to come to Korea is the correct choice. All I want to do is be by his side.

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