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I shove my phone back into my pocket and fix my hair. I flatten out the apron and look up. I almost jump when I see a woman standing there.

"I'm so sorry" I say to her.

"Don't worry about it" she says with a laugh.

"How may I help you?"

"Can I get a Venti Iced Decaf Caramel Macchiato with Almond Milk?"

"Ok is that all?" I ask her.


"That will be $6.28"

The lady hands me the cash and I put it into the machine. I glance behind her and see the two boys waiting.

"Oh are you getting all nervous because of the boys?" she whispers with a giggle.

"Kind of" I tell her.

"Don't worry. Just smile and stand up straight" she says. I immediately stand up straight and she nods.

"One last thing" I say as I give her her change, "do I look ok?"

"You look great" she smiles and walks away.

Oh God. Please come back!

I turn and see my coworker Britney almost drop the milk in her hand once she sees the boys. I turn back around and there they are. Ethan and Grayson Dolan.

"Hi how can I help you?" I say and smile.

Going good so far.

"Hi can I get a Venti Pink Drink please?" Ethan says.

I'm about to lose it.

"And i'll have a Double Chocolaty Chip Crème Frap" Grayson adds.

Stay calm, Rachel. Stay calm.

"Um what size?" I ask.

Shit I hesitated.

"Oh a grande. Sorry about that." he smiles.

I just died. I actually died.

"Ok so a Venti Pink Drink and a Grande Double Chocolaty Chip Frap. Is that all?" I ask. They both look at each other and nod.

"Wait!" Ethan exclaims.

Oh God I did something wrong.

"Do you guys have those octopus cookies?" he asks.

Oh thank God.

"Let me check real quick." I say and go over to the glass window, "Yeah we do."

"Ooh i'll take two of those. Gray do you want one too?" he asks his brother.

"Nah i'm good" he says.

"Ok so the two drinks and two octopus cookies. Anything else?" I ask.

I don't know if I can last if they have anything else.

"Nope that's it" Ethan says.

"Alright that's $15.11" I say with a smile. I look over to the lady and she's smiling as she watches me talk to them. Ethan must've noticed because he glanced over there too.

"Is that your grandma or something?" he smiles and I shake my head.

"No she just came in before you guys" I tell him and he lets out an "ohh". He hands me a $20 bill and I get his change.

"Keep it" he says and I nod.

"Thank you so much"

"Of course, Rachel" he says. I look down at my name tag then back up to see them walking away.

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