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I wake up to my alarm blaring throughout my room.

"Please shut up"

I finally get out of my comfy position and turn it off.

I check my phone and see no messages. Yet again, it's 6 am and nobody has to wake up that early except for me.

I get dressed, do my hair, my makeup, brush my teeth, and get my backpack together.

At 7:05 I wake my siblings up.

"Rachel I feel sick" Chris says and fakes a cough.

"You'll feel better after you eat"

"No I won't"

"Yes you will"

This kid is in first grade and is already trying to play hooky.

I help get them dressed and fix up Molly's hair. While they brush their teeth, I make their pancakes.

Chris comes flying down the stairs and jumps into the stool.

"Look who's feeling better"

"I was good the whoooole time. I tricked ya!" he says and bursts into laughter.

"Oh man you really got me there"


Molly comes down the stairs and takes a seat on the stool.

"I feel like a princess today" she tells me and I smile.

"You look like a princess everyday"

"What about me?" Chris asks.

"You are a strong, handsome knight" I tell him and he smiles.

I give them their breakfast and put on their shoes while they eat.

I glance at the time. 7:32.

"You guys have three minutes. Get your bags" I tell them. I go upstairs to grab mine and come back downstairs to see a plate shattered on the floor.

"I was gone for a second. What happened?"

"I tried to get off the stool and I knocked it down. I'm sorry" Chris says. Now if my mom was home, he would for sure have blamed it on a ghost in the house. She tends to give them punishments a lot.

"It's ok. Just go wait by the door and don't come into this area."

I place my bag down and grab a broom to clean up. I clean up most of it when the bus arrives.

I send them off and run back inside to clean up the rest.

I get into my car at 7:45. Damn it i'm going to be late.

And I was right. I walked into first period with a late slip and everyone staring at me. It's still the first month and i'm already late. This is great.

The day goes by super slowly. I just can't wait until lunch so I can see my girls and Zander again. I'm actually really excited to see him. He's so easy to talk to and makes me happy.

The bell rings and it's time for lunch. I rush out of the classroom and go to my locker to get my lunch and books for the afternoon. I see Mitch and we walk to lunch together.

"So how's Zander?" he asks.

"He's good. I really like him" I admit.

"Aww Rachel's got a crush" he starts to chant and I hit him in the stomach. Not much fat there though.

"Don't say that out loud. I don't want people getting in my business or bugging me about it"

"Fine. So did he ask you to wear his jersey yet?"

"Actually no. Nothing came up about homecoming at all"

"That's strange. I'll talk to you later." he says and sits down at his table. I go over to mine and see Luna and Emma already there.

In the middle of lunch, I get up to use the bathroom.

I walk through the halls and see two people in an empty classroom. One of the doors are open so I look to see who it is.

"No" I mutter in disbelief.

There's Zander with Josie, some girl in my history class. He has his hand on her thigh and is playing with her hair as they sit on the desks. He leans in and kisses her.

I run down the hallway and stop at Mrs. Humphrey's room. She's gonna kill me for interrupting her class so many times. But right now I don't care.

I open the door and everyone stares at me.

"Rachel what-"

"Why are boys such assholes?" I ask. I feel myself about to cry.

"Come here sweetie" she says and I go over and give her a hug.

"Everyone read chapter 12" she announces to the class and takes me over to her desk. I sit in the chair while she sits on the desk.

"I hate boys." I say.

"What happened?"

"I saw Zander kissing another girl."

"I'm sorry Rachel" she says and rubs my arm.

"I don't get it. He took me to the movies and told me he really liked me. We texted and facetimed the moments we weren't together and then he goes and does that." I vent, "Why do boys make me feel special and then just throw it all away?" I ask. I hug my knees and rest my cheek on them.

"He's just not the one for you."

"Men ain't shit" I exclaim loudly which makes her shake her head with a smirk.

"Ignore that class" she says to her kids.

"When did this happen?" she asks.

"Like five minutes ago. I was on my way to the bathroom when I saw them in a classroom. So I ran here"

"Please tell me you aren't going to pee yourself" she says and I lightly chuckle.

"No I'm alright"

"Why don't you text Emma and Luna and tell them to come here? You guys can hang out in the back while I finish up the lesson"

I nod. "Thanks Mrs. Humphrey" I say and give her a hug.

She gets up and goes back to the front of the class to teach.

I grab my phone and call Luna. I tell her and Emma to come here as soon as possible.

They get here five minutes later and we sit in the back talking about everything.

"He had a small dick anyways" Luna whispers and we laugh.

"Are you gonna be alright?" Emma asks me.

"Yeah I think so. It just sucks ya know. But at least it happened before we could date or anything"

As if on cue, my phone dings. I look and see it's a text from Ethan.

Ethan Dolan: what are you doing today?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2018 ⏰

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