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This part is just Ethan's point of view about what happened. You don't have the read it if you don't want to or you can! It does have some more content about the interactions that Rachel didn't see/hear.


"Grayson!" I yell throughout the warehouse. This little bitch really isn't answering.

I get off the trampoline and go upstairs to his room. I was about to open the door when I hear moans.

"Jesus Christ Grayson shut up" I exclaim and kick the door.

"Ethan stop" he says.

I walk back downstairs to wait for him. After about five more minutes he enters the editing room.

"You seriously kept going even when I caught you?" I ask him.

"A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do" he tells me and I roll my eyes.

"You better have washed your hands"

"Of course I did... in your bathroom" he smirks and walks away.

I keep my harmful thoughts against Gray in the back of my mind and get up to find him.

"Can we go get Starbucks or something?" I ask.

"Uh yeah sure" he says. I grab my keys and we leave the warehouse.

We get into my Range Rover and I start driving to Starbucks.

"E Starbucks is the other way" Grayson says to me.

"I am never going to that Starbucks ever again" I tell him.

"Why? It's closer"

"Yeah but I had to walk in there in a fucking Trojan soldier outfit." I say and he laughs at me.

We pull into the side lot of the Starbucks. We walk in and stand on line behind some lady.

What the hell is taking so long? It's just a drink.

I peer over the lady to look at the register and see this extremely pretty girl working it. She has these chestnut eyes, light brown hair pulled up, and nice, pouty lips. Damn.

"Dibs" I say to Grayson.

"What?" he asks as the lady moves out of the way. Too late now, Gray.

She turns behind her to look at her coworker before turning back to us. I glance at her coworker and see her eyes as wide as can be. I give a quick smile before returning back to that beautiful girl.

"Hi how can I help you?" she asks with a smile. She just got ten times more gorgeous.

"Hi can I get a Venti Pink Drink please?" I ask.

"And i'll have a Double Chocolaty Chip Crème Frap" Grayson says.

"Um what size?" she asks him.

Way to go Grayson.

"Oh a grande. Sorry about that" he smiles.

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