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Rachel's POV:

"Hey guys" I say to my brother and sister. I squat down next to them as they play with Legos.

"Rachel!" Molly exclaims and gives me a big hug. Chris joins in and we are all sitting in the middle of the carpet hugging each other.

"Why are you all sticky?" Chris asks me and I laugh.

"No reason. You ready to go home?" I ask and they nod eagerly.

I sign them out of after school and take them to my car. I help them into the backseat and I get into the front.

"Can we make a quick stop before we go home and see Mommy?" I ask them.

"Where are we going?" Molly asks.

"Just to visit Daddy. It won't take long I promise"

"Ok" they say in unison. I turn on Radio Disney and drive to the cemetery.

I never like to bring them to the cemetery because they usually don't understand what's going on and I don't have the heart to tell them what happened again.

I come here about once a month just to pick at the grass in front of his grave and think about stuff.

It's really hard without him. Everyday there's something new that I would have been so excited to tell him once I got home if he was still alive. Crazy to think that it's already been 18 months.

We pull up to his grave and get out of the car. I stand in front of it with my siblings holding my hands. A small tear escapes but I bat it away. I told myself I wouldn't cry in front of Molly and Chris. Never.

"Hi Daddy" Molly speaks up. She goes over to the grave and gives it a hug.

"You should've seen me playing soccer today at recess. I was really good." Chris tells the grave. I smile at his comment, remembering my dad being my biggest fan at my soccer games.

"And I drawed a hamster in art. Mommy is gonna hang it on the fridge" Molly says. Maybe she should focus more on her English than her Art.

Just kidding.


"What about you Rach?" Chris asks me.

"Oh I just had a normal day" I say. I would have told my dad all about how I met the Dolan Twins and how I most likely need stitches because of them. He would roll his eyes and make fun of me for being such a fangirl.

And what number future husband is this? he would joke.

"Rachel is all sticky too. But she smells good" Chris adds and I laugh.

"That's Pink Drink for you" I tell him and tousle his hair.

"I really miss you Daddy" Molly says. Chris goes over to her and holds her hand.

I wish I had a relationship like these two. Sure I can trust Emma and maybe Luna with everything, but it's different. Molly and Chris hold a special bond that'll last forever.

"Are you guys ready to go?" I ask them.

"Yeah" Chris says and him and Molly go back over to the car.

I kiss my hand before placing it on the tombstone.

"I love you Dad" I whisper and leave the grave.

I help the kids into my car and get in myself. I put on some music softly in the background.

When we finally get home, I see my mom's car parked in the driveway. Molly and Chris start getting all excited in the backseat after seeing the car. We saw her for two hours on Tuesday night before she had an emergency and had to go back to the hospital so we are all happy to see her again. I miss my mom a lot.

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