Chapter two

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I was restless that night, tossing and turning unable to find a comfortable position because my brain was working too hard. My thoughts were filled with Aro mostly, the odd side thought about his weird nephews but I couldn't seem to drive the image of his handsome face and beautiful voice from my mind.

Bella was downstairs making breakfast, she'd made me a bowl of cereal and I sat down quietly. "Are you alright Cel? You look a bit distant," she says.

I was distant, Bella had gone from catatonic to normal in a matter of hours and now I was the distant one. "Yeah, I didn't sleep well is all," I say and mush my cereal in with the milk.

"Aro got you home alright then?" she says and stares at me curiously over the top of her orange juice.

"Yes," I say softly and a silence falls between us. "He has a nice car," I add to break the tension.

"Um yeah I guess he does," she agrees.

"Is Edward driving you in today?" I ask.

"Yep, you can take the truck," she smiles and starts to clear away her finished bowl.

The drive to school was lonely, I had gotten used to ferrying around suicidal Bella as I didn't trust her to drive without putting herself in danger, or me for that matter. With the Cullen's return there was lots of gossip, I tried to avoid every question I could with "I don't know" as everyone seemed to hit a dead end with Bella and try and ask me why Edward and the others had returned.

Edward had attempted to speak to me this morning but he willing backed down after I gave him another one of my best glares. I would have to work on them if I was going to continue hating his guts.

I tried to concentrate but again my mind couldn't focus long enough to pay attention. Aro was going to call me some time in the next four days and I was terrified and elated all at the same time, but I couldn't decide if I should be or not.

Aro had to be between twenty five and thirty, Charlie would never agree to let me go out with him I was certain of it. And what would come from our short encounter, Carlisle said that they were only staying for a set amount of time, I didn't want to be used or left bitterly heartbroken when he suddenly packed up and left. I also wasn't keen on how long his hair was. It sounded silly, nothing was really flawed with him at all, it was like he had been constructed for the pure purpose of aesthetic appeal but I would prefer it if he maybe tied his hair back so his face wasn't hidden by its shadow.

In the end I had agreed to go out with him so it would be rude not to stick to my word, if I chickened out nearer to Friday I could pretend to feel ill again, although no one believed that was true last night.

At lunch I declined Alice's polite invitation to sit with them, Mike and Jessica seemed thoroughly shocked when I headed over to them. "So Cullen is back," Mike says bitterly.

"Obviously," I sigh and pick up a carrot stick, inspecting it but not going as far to eat it.

"When did this happen?" he asks.

"Saturday night, Carlisle decided they prefer Forks or something," I drawl and drop the carrot back into the small plastic clip Tupperware box.

"Well Bella seems happier now," Jessica adds enthusiastically and I crack a smile.

"Yes she certainly does."

English flew by after lunch and then I met up with Bella in the changing room for gym. "How's Edward today then?" I ask and she jumps in surprise.

"Celestine I didn't hear you come in," she says. "Yeah, Edward's fine," she smiles goofily.

"I don't think he's good for you," I say and hang my bag up. "You're far too attracted to him and he's...there's something not right with him."

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