X // Money

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Somehow we managed to exit the mansion without causing the slightest disturbance. I find it quite shocking, really. How do you not know someone was in your office? Why weren't there any guards? And the biggest question of them all: Who is Alexander X? Who is he really?

I realize professional spies would have had these thoughts while they were inside. Unfortunately I'm not quite there yet. I guess analytical thinking is necessary, though, so that's something.

As Zander drives towards the city in the direction we came, I scramble through the papers from the folder that lay across my lap. Nothing appears to be of any interest. "There's nothing here, Zander," I huff. "Just information on our corporation like our false-front and a list of the departments."

I look over at the boy beside me. His jaw clenches, but not out of anger - out of contemplation. "It wasn't for nothing, though." He looks at me to make sure I'm listening. "The fact that we found a file means we were right in assuming he has affiliations with Karina. It was a successful mission."

I would not call it such, but he is the expert I suppose. If he says it was a success - then I believe him.

We are now parked in the parking lot of the original fancy hotel we found. I guess that was just yesterday. We sit in silence. It's not uncomfortable, but just a little odd. "Are we staying here?" I ask.

Green eyes look my way. They aren't full of mischief, or even anger. Just confusion. More of the hidden little boy inside of him. "Can't," he simply replies.

I start to argue that of course we can, but I stop. If we use the credit card, Karina and her goons can track us. "We should probably give it to someone and let them buy things, so Karina doesn't think we are on to her," I suggest.

He considers it for a moment. "And let Karina blow up a hotel floor thinking we are there? I don't think so."

I curl my lip up in disgust. "She wouldn't do that."

He raises an eyebrow. "Maybe, maybe not. We have no idea." And that is the truth. I pull out my wallet from my pack and wave it in the air.

"We do get paid, you know?" I say with a smile. "And since I don't pay rent or have to buy food, being the super awesome spy that I am, I have quite a bit!"

I quick smile lands on his face and and then leaves. "What were you going to do with it?"

My smile is gone now too. In complete honesty, it was going to be for the things I wanted after my spy life was over, if that ever came. Or maybe before, I have no idea. Things like a wedding dress, nice clothes, expensive trips around the world. If I think about it, subconsciously this money has always represented my dreams. "I ... uh, for emergencies."

"I don't think so," he sighs. Who am I kidding, he's trained to distinguish lies from truth. I sigh in defeat.

"Just... stuff. Things after I was done spying."

His look softens into sympathy. "Like what?" he asks softly.

"World adventures." Kind of.

"Well, is London good enough for you?" he laughs.

"Ha, for now I guess it will have to be." I settle it at that and get out of the car. I wasn't joking. This will have to do. And it is fun. I'm with Zander and I just came back from a ball, for heavens sake. But I have the feeling this is going to be a lot more dangerous and heart-breaking than the Australia or Paris that exists in my dreams. I still can't stop thinking about Karina.


Zander opens the door to our new temporary home. And is it ever beautiful. Modern architecture with vintage finishes. I even see Zander smile out of the corner of my eye.

I place my pack on the bed that is in the far corner of the vast room. The only bed. Zander lays his down there as well. "This isn't going to be a problem, is it?" he asks almost like he's annoyed. He is expecting me to have a problem with it. It seems like he has a problem with me.

I shake my head sheepishly. Zander shakes off his suit jacket and his bow-tie, and loosens a few buttons on his dress shirt. He plops down on the bed, finds the remote, and turns on the TV - which must be 90 inches.

I start towards the bathroom, but stop and turn back. I can't undress, I only have my underwear! I rationalize that it's not that big of a deal, Zander's probably seem lots of girls in two pieces of clothing. Ew, don't think that. I hear a small chuckle and spin on my heels to face a smiling boy. "What?" I demand.

"You can do whatever you like. I won't look, I promise!" he says laughing at me. It's like he thinks modesty is a joke. In a huff, I reach for the zipper in the back of the red dress. How did I do this up in a car and in the dark? Damn it. I fumble with it until Zander clears is throat. I stop and look up at him. He motions for me to come. I slink along the edge of the bed and go around until I am on his side. His fingers find the hidden zipper and lower it with ease. "Thanks," I say.

Then, with a swift motion I can't see, he sweeps the thin straps off my shoulders and I catch the silk dress just before it falls to the floor. I look over my shoulder at him I'm fury. He is laughing now. The sound warms my heart but the feeling doesn't spread to my face. "That's not funny, you jerk," I growl. He pouts. I ignore him.

I get back to my side of the bed and stare at him. But not out of anger anymore, rather out of random spontaneous interest that occurs to me. "Who were you before you were a spy?"

I was expecting the question to surprise him, but it doesn't. "Arrogant, selfish, worthless..."

"So not much has changed, hey?" I joke. But I instantly regret it when all I get in response is a gaze from sad, beautiful eyes. I don't understand the deep emotions in him. He can be so unaffected that I thought cool was normal for him. Maybe that is just how he deals with whatever thoughts and emotions are coursing through his mind.

I let the dress slip to the floor. I have only a black bra and panties. I slip under the covers quickly. Zander flips over onto his side so he isn't facing me. "Do you want to know what rule number 3 is?"

I stare at his dark hair. "What happened to number 2?" I ask. My voice is light and quiet, and his is still slow and harsh.

"I thought you would've figured it out by now." Well, I made up my own rule number 2, but I'm pretty sure it's not the same. "... it's that you don't fall in love with your partner." I don't know why that sends a dagger into my gut, but it sure seems to. "That should go without saying," he finishes.

"Okay," is all I can say. "And number 3?"

"Number 3 is the hardest of them all. The rule is that there must not be anymore rules than what I've already told you. It's the hardest because it leaves everything up for perception and interpretation."

I almost laugh. But I wouldn't dare make fun of something he thinks is so serious. "Zander? You're telling me that all I have to do is not to make any noise unless it's fun, and to not... love you?"

He finally turns around so I can look into his eyes. They are bright again. And I can't help but feel relieved. "Is that last part going to be a problem Decklynn?"

His smirk is once again plastered on his face, and I am certain that he was much more mischievous when he was little, before he had to deal with whatever problem he faced that he is not telling me about. I smile. "You're the one who says I'm distracting you," I tease.

With that I flip over and let him stare at the back of my head now, and the long hair that lays beside my nearly bare back. I can feel the cool air on my skin and I know my back is exposed, but this time I let it stay that way. I let Zander stare at me. I smile into my pillow as I hear him sigh and turn slightly, and then completely. If anyone is going to fall in love it's not going to be me.

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