XVII // The Last Time

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A/N: I had asked for opinons on a POV from Zander, and I got mixed responses. I really want to show you how Zander feels about Decklynn, but I think it would give to much away. So.. I guess you'll just have to wait and see. ;)

I stared at Zander with cold eyes. He stepped closer, trying to ease me into another poison-dealing kiss. I stepped back. "Come on," he says, urging me to let him close the space between us. I shake my head no. Letting him kiss me just to show that he did in fact like me was like decorating and renovating a house just to burn it down. It was cruel. Of course I wanted his lips on mine again, forever. But not when he was going to never let me do it again afterward. One is one too many. One more is never enough.

I grimace at the sadistic irony of this situation I am finding myself in. I never thought he would like me. I never thought he would admit to liking me and then tell me to not let myself love him. "No, Zan. No. All you are looking to do is somehow show me that humiliating me is hard for you too. But you are the one choosing to do it," I tell him hysterically.

He stops his slow steps towards me and stands a few feet away in all of his glory. There is no way I am going to get over him. But I will have to ignore my feelings. It will be like Grade 5 all over again, when I had a crush on the blonde boy in the corner but he liked someone else. Except this time, the boy I like has feelings for me too. I don't know how much he likes me, but he says he does. Nonetheless, I will have to move on.

"We are spies. It's impossible." He sounds convinced, as if it is the only way for survival. I suppose it is. I've always heard that, even in movies and books where they romanticize the spy life. Everyone has always said you can't fall in love with your partner. His eyes turn sad and soft again, and I almost like his eyes better when they are cold. That way I don't get lost in them. "For right now, anyways," he adds.

I roll my eyes at him, ignoring the implications of his words. I step closer this time, but not tenderly. I walk with vehemence and land a pointed finger on his chest. "You can believe whatever you want. But the truth is that no matter what you've been told, wrecking me is the worst thing you could have don-"

A deafening boom fills my ears and racks my body. The force of the explosion throws me across the room. I try to take a look at my surroundings to identify the cause of the sudden catostrophe, but I can't see anything more than two feet in front of me due to smoke, fire, and debris. I feel a searing pain run up my leg from my ankle and yell in extreme discomfort. The glass from the giant windows clatter to the floor, and I can feel tiny shards hitting my back. I curl up with my back to the ceiling, hugging my knees against the floor - waiting for the building to stop shaking.

I feel hands grab my sides and lift me to my feet. "It's me, we have to run," Zander yells through the smoke and dust. I hobble behind him, trying to ignore the pain in my ankle. "Hurry up!" He commands, still running ahead of me past the elevators, and to what I assume is stairs. Ugh, stairs. That won't hurt at all.

Zander must have realized I was lagging behind, because he glances back and his eyes go wide. He starts running back towards me. "Just go, you idiot! I'll be right behind you," I communicate. I point in the direction he was previously moving to tell him to keep going. He either doesn't hear, or completely ignores me, because he is still coming closer. He arrives at my side and picks me up, throwing me over his shoulder.

It's a damn good thing I have a tall, strong partner.

"You're good, Deck, just hold on," he assures me as he starts running as fast as possible with a 130-pound teenage girl on his back. I try to ignore my ankle and the uncomfortable mode of transport I am utilizing right now. My stomach bounces against his shoulder as he hops down the stairs. That hurts in itself, but it's better than running on my ankle that feels like it is shattered.

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