XIV // Guns

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I am thirty metres away from the man and the machine gun, but it feels like I am looking down the barrel.

Although I have regained my balance, Zander still has my arm in his grip - holding me in place. But I know better than to move.

If I had went to an ordinary high school, I would have been the nerd - the whiz kid. As it was, in BOSS, I had plenty of opportunity to show my smarts and take advantage of the vast resources our secret corporation had. I have read nearly every textbook on spy tactics that BOSS 'borrowed' from organizations like the C.I.A and MI5. Because of that, I know that this is a nearly impossible situation to wiggle our tiny butts out of.

I take a look at Zander, searching for a facial expression I can read. But he is too good for that. There isn't a trace of fear or confusion laying on his remarkable features. I try to mimic his attitude and confidence. I must just come off as awkward.

The man in the shadows steps forward and into a stream of moonlight. I recognize the face as one belonging to a boy I had danced with last night. Sebastian.

"I thought I told you not to mess with me." Zander's words cut through silence and darkness in effortless waves. I would presume that even the wisest and most powerful of men would be intimidated by Zander's tone of voice, but Sebastian does not look particularly fazed.

"Oh, you told me not to come looking for the misses. I never came after either of you. But now you've come back to me. What do you expect me to do? Hand you a tie and invite you for dinner tomorrow night?" He sounds almost hysterical. I can't imagine why. What has he got to lose? What is he hiding?

Zander puts his hands up by his head in surrender. "Fine." His tone is icy and short.

The Russian's mouth curls up to one side and produces a devilish smirk that sends chills down my spine. The kind of chills that would make me want to run for my life. "Good little American spy. Now put your gun down."

My partner and Rylan both comply. "Now, sweetie? Could you pick up those weapons and bring them to me, please?" Sebastian's words are commanding me, but I don't really feel like obeying. Zander nods discreetly and I do as I was told.

I pick up the guns that lay at their feet and try not to let my teeth clatter. The ice cold air and faint snow seems to have hit my bones. Walking over to the bully, I contemplate my options. None of my alternative plans seem to come out in a victory in my mind, so I don't bother trying to be a hero. Once I get close enough, Sebastian's gloved hand grabs my arm and yanks me towards him and I let all three guns hit the ground and bounce at my feet. Looking at my little crew, I see the defeat in Rylan's brown eyes.

My teeth clatter together now because I don't care. I notice figures lurking towards us. Probably the same people who were just firing bullets at us.

They grab the boys hands and restrain them behind their backs. My eyes are torn away from them and directed towards Sebastian because he starts to talk to me. "Long time no see, babe." I shiver from the cold and from the hatred I am feeling at the moment.

I see Zander move quickly out of the corner of my eye and then I hear a gunshot.

I don't know where it came from, but I instinctively duck down and cover my head. I peek through my own fingers that are covering my face and see a leg make forceful contact with somebody's stomach. I notice a gun laying next to a still body and decide to lunge for it. I struggle to wrap my fingers around the cold metal but I finally get it in my grasp. I turn around toward the action and am faced with a fist slapping against my side.

I let out a stark yelp and topple over. A man with scars and piercings stands over top of me readying himself. He kneels down and I see the same large fist raised in the air - ready to punch. I take advantage of the pause and drive my knee up into his crotch with as much power as I can.

Operation: M.I.ANơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ