XI // Morning Light

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I flutter my eyes open with some difficulty due to the sunlight shining through the floor to ceiling windows and drapes. I hear muffled voices and turn to look in the direction of the sound and notice Zander sitting up watching TV. He doesn't look down and say 'good morning' like I thought he might. Instead, he indirectly acknowledges my waking by throwing the covers off of himself and getting out of the luxury bed.

"I'm going to get us some appropriate clothes so we can blend in," he informs me as he slips on his dress pants. "Honestly, I don't know what we can do right now to help our situation so we are going to teach you how to be a spy today."

He now has his white shirt over his fit shoulders and is buttoning it up. His eyes meet mine for the first time this morning. "You want to button my shirt?"


"Well you seem so fixated on me dressing myself I figured you wanted to help," he teases with a straight face but gleaming eyes. I roll over muttering nothing in particular, but letting him know I don't approve of his mocking me.

Before I realize he has finished, I hear the door close. I sit up. I stare at the TV then absentmindedly get up and stretch. I look out the window and take in the rooftops and roads. It is such a big world that we live in. Once I'm done admiring the city in the morning light, I take a stroll around the bed to the side where Zander slept. I sit on the edge and run my hand across the pillow case.

I'm not quite sure how I feel about my partner. I'm sure there's going to be a point where he saves my life, but there will also likely be a point when he puts me in danger - because he doesn't care. I keep running my hands along the bed and then onto the night stand. My fingers brush over the cold medal of the gun he left there. I pick it up and study it.

The hotel room door opens and I stand up startled and frantically hide the gun behind my back. I'm not sure why. I don't think he would be completely shocked to find that I was eyeing up his gun.

"Okay, we have a lot of things we need to fix," Zander says, already getting down to business, as he walks across the room and throws some clothes at me. I look down at the heap of fabric in my arms and use it to cover myself.

"What in particular do we need to fix?"

He raises his eyebrow and looks at me like I'm three steps behind. Maybe I am. "You are easily frightened, you don't know how to act confident, you can't shoot a gun, you can't-"

"Stop!" I yell. Zander faces me with a startled expression. "I am confident when I feel like it, and I like shooting guns! Why are you trying to make me seem worthless?" I demand. My face is hot and I feel vulnerable. He bites the inside of his cheek and then smirks. Of course. I give him a warning look.

"Confidence isn't something you employ only when you feel like it, Decklynn. It's supposed to be who you are. And don't get me wrong - I don't know you. But if you ask me, I don't even  think you know who you are." His eyes are soft, but his words cut deep into my mind.

"What are you saying?" I ask sheepishly as I walk around the corner into the bathroom. I start to out the clothes on but don't shut the door so I can still hear him.

He sighs. I swear I can hear him run his hand through his erratic hair. "I'm just saying you need to let me help you."

I slide on the black jeans and T-shirt I was given and place the gun I've been holding in between my jeans and my back. I walk back out into the open to find Zander leaning up against the wall, already dressed casually. I don't know how he is so stealthy.

I keep walking until my nose is inches from his face. An unreadable expression across his lips, I step even closer - silently. Then I jam my left forearm against his throat and pull the gun from behind me and aim it at his head. I sense at least a small spark of shock, and that satisfies me. "I am a spy, Zander."

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