Seal It with a Contract

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 My eyes widened at Claude's words. "You desire... The soul of Ciel Phantomhive?" I repeated, fazed by Claude's wish.

 Claude answered, "Yes, I desire his soul very much. His soul is what I need and his soul will be the finest meal fit for a demon. Any demon at a fact. The only thing that stands in my way is Sebastian Michealis..."

 I stated, "And what do you want from me?"

 Claude proposed, "If you allow yourself in... Helping me retrieve Ciel's soul... I will aid you in your master's quest for revenge against Alois Trancy... Or so said as Jim Macken." My eyes glazed with curiosity and opportunity. But before I could answer Claude's proposal... A voice said,

 "So this was the deal you were going to propose."

 Claude and I snapped our attention towards the voice and saw the very person that stood in Claude's way. "...Sebastian." I muttered as Sebastian landed on the stone table.

 Claude eyed him and replied, "The deal we are about to commence is none of your business, Michealis. Only me and Ms. Lemaire are allowed to say in this conversation."

 Sebastian chuckled, "Oh, silly me. I must have misheard when you said you wanted the soul of my master," Sebastian pointed a knife towards Claude's throat. "I suppose it would be ever so clumsy of me to perhaps... Slit your throat accidentally, would it?"

 As soon as both butlers prepared for battle, I hissed, "Enough!" The two demons stared at me with confusion as I announced, "I accept your proposal, Claude Faustus!" Sebastian's eyes widened in shock as Claude's returned to normal. We went under the trial and made our deal official. We dismissed the meeting, Sebastian following up on my tail.

  I closed my eyes and turned towards the raven haired male. "I know what you're thinking, Sebastian. I won't betray you."

 Sebastian replied darkly, "The deal, Nadine."

 I pouted. "I said I'd help Claude of course. But I never said what kind of help, Mister Michealis."

 Sebastian's eyes let go of his dark expression and realized the facts. He chuckled and said, "You never cease to amaze me, my kitten."

 I smiled. "I know. And now that I've sealed the deal with Claude... My lady can advance in her mission."


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