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 I sat in my study bored as I watched Korrine stroll through the gardens. Though with all the death threats I've been receiving for what, THREE years is beginning to nag me greatly. I play around with the fountain pen in my hand as Claude arrives, placing my tea on my desk. I turned to him and question, "Claude, have you recieved any information at all or evidence left by any of these... Threats?" 
 Claude stated, "The culprit behind them is very skilled. It may be difficult to expose them, your highness. But if you want to find out who they are, I will immediately  get to work." 
 I narrowed my eyes at him and ordered, "Claude, I demand  you investigate on this. That's an order." I revealed my Faustian Contract symbol as Claude nodded and left. I  gazed back on Korrine and muttered, "They'll find their heads rolling off once I'm through with those mongrels, I swear on it." 

 "Young lord, I insist you eat your vegetables. You cannot continue eating in your sweet tooth." Sebastian pressured, as I growled at him. 
 "Go to Hell!" I spat, until I grew afraid of Sebastian's dark look that aimed directly at me. 
 "Young lord... Please eat your vegetables. Or you go without sweets forever and I'll make your food taste like the very vegetables you hate." Sebastian threatened. 
 I trembled as I groaned and stuffed the celery in my mouth. I narrowed my eyes at Sebastian with hate as he then informed, "Oh, also my lord, Lady Korrine has invited a dinner with you and Lady Elizabeth in the Trancy Estate. Will you be attending?" 
 I sighed and rested my head on one of my hands. "As much as I hate the Trancy, I'll be going just to accompany Elizabeth and attend to whatever Korrine needs." I stated. 
 "Oh, really? And is this not because you want to please Lady Korrine, young lord?" Sebastian teased. 
 I snapped, "One more word about that and you'll be washing Pluto five times a day." 
 "Y-yes my lord."

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