Blood of Purity

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 I clutch my side in pain as Lizzie gasps, rushing to my side as she immediately rips part of her dress and ties it around my waist. I thank her silently as Vanessa sighs. "Oh the wonderful things we could have done together! But oh well, I was planning to kill you right from the start because hey! I don't have time to play around with the weak. But I gave you a chance... And you DENY it! Looks like I have no other choice but to kill you. You have such a pretty face too. Your eyes remind me of your father's! The look of devotion to me was priceless!"
 My eyes shimmer in anger as a tear falls. "My father was NOT weak!"

 Vanessa smirked. "Oh yes he was! I manipulated him into thinking he could have a happy life ever so easily! And look what happened! Everyone but you... All dead!" She picked at her nails as she smiled in a sadistic way. "But now it is time for you to say goodbye to your petty life, my dear. After that, I will conquer the world and bring it to its knees!!!" A raging yellow aura flamed around Vanessa as it directed to her spear. She dropped the edge of the spear on the ground as cracks began to spread around. Lizzie, Ciel, and I looked around in panic as we edged away from the cracks. Sebastian, Claude, Hannah, and the Undertaker leaped down to retrieve the five of us; Me, Ciel, Lizzie, Alois, and Nadine. We all looked at the situation as corpses began to burst out of the cracks, the stench of death flowing throughout the church.

 Vanessa laughed maniacally, her laughter echoing all around. I turned towards the others and stated, "We have to fight."

 Some of the others looked at me as if I was mad. Lizzie gripped my wrist and nodded. "I'll help you, Korrine." I smiled as I gave her dual swords to fight with, and handed Ciel two guns. I looked at the others nervously and asked, "Will you help me?"
 Claude and Hannah gazed at each other as a hand was placed on my shoulder. I turned behind me and saw Rashed and the others who had stayed outside during the fiasco. "We will not abandon you, my lady."

 I gazed at the others as they nodded along. I smiled in assurance and said, "Let's go!" I leaped down as the corpses began to seep more out. I charged through the corpse party as Lizzie came beside me, slicing through the crowd. Ciel shot from above, as Hannah assisted with her machine gun. Vanessa summoned more corpses as Sebastian and Undertaker began clearing a path from me to Vanessa. "Go!" They shouted, as I ran to Vanessa.
 I shouted, "I'll kill you!!!!" As I cut off a head.

 Vanessa spread her wings and raised her spear, "YOU TROUBLESOME CHILD!!!" She yelled back, taking flight and charging at me. Our blades clashed as I grit my teeth, resisting the point of defeat. It felt as if my body were on fire, my arms tired from fighting, my head feeling like it would blow off. A voice whispered through the wind saying,

   "Don't give in to the impossible."

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