Wedding of the Century pt 5

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 I faced Alois as the priest told us to state our vows to each other. After I waited for Alois to finish, I began, "My dear Alois, the first time we met... I'll admit I fell into your gaze and that was where our relationship started. Regardless of the endless invites, I appreciated your concern for my free time. But as time passed by... Everything changed. I had found out something hidden and secret and just thought out everything. I didn't know what to feel," Everyone gazed at me with shocked looks, while Alois's had a hidden dark look across his face. I smiled and continued, "I found out I had fallen in love. Which was something I had never felt in a long time. I nearly forgot the meaning of it." The audience's expressions faded away, in my mind I could hear my laughter. It feels so good to just sit back and watch everyone's reactions to every word you say. Every. Word.
 The priest went on and as time passed, it was almost time for things to come to a finale. "And by the power bested in me, I now pronounce yo-"
 My gaze snapped towards the doors as everyone looked in surprise. I took a slight glance at Alois and saw his expression was the same. For if whatever this is... It's not mine or Alois. I glanced at Nadine and Sebastian as both of them looked at me nervously. I narrowed my eyes as Alois held me tightly, and the figure who had opened the doors had stepped in. I stood in shock as Harriet's figure was revealed. I gazed at her with widened eyes as I saw everyone had the same look that was present on my own. Harriet... What the HELL are you doing?!


 I looked up at Korrine as she gazed back and shook her head, knowing the question I wanted to ask. Harriet walked in, her eyes glowing and her appearance somewhat ghost-like. I then looked to what was in her hands. It was a mirror, a shining mirror with light that gripped to Harriet's hands like white veins. I whispered to Sebastian, "Sebastian, what's going on?!"
 Sebastian had a serious gaze placed on him. "I'm afraid... I do not know, my lord." He answered, causing me to turn to the reapers. Their faces were blank as a silky voice came out of Harriet's mouth. "Mortals... You have become so frail... So lost in this era. I wish only to free you from this... To cleanse the earth from the fools that prowl amongst it. I WILL BRING REIGN TO A NEW BREED OF LIFE."


 I looked at Harriet in shock as my focus looked to the mirror. It can't be...
 "Ah, Nadine... Miss me much? Have you taken care of little Korrine properly? Oh! She's grown up so much! It's already her wedding now, is it? Bwahahaha! That FOOL is her to-be husband?! He looks filthy! Such a disgusting soul... Glad to know that they're not married yet, yes???" The voice said, as Alois's eyes narrowed.
 "Who do you think you are?! Barging into my wedding and interrupting?! CLAUDE! I order you to take this creature out of here! NOW!" Alois demanded, spit flying out of his mouth. 

 The voice laughed. "HA! You expect a demon like him to face me?! That's absurd! Now if you'll excuse little old me... I'll be taking the bride!!!"
 In that moment, my fear faded and was replaced with anger. "No."
 "You?! HA! Once again... You stand NO chance before me! NONE of you do!!!" The voice yelled, the transformation of Harriet furthered, her brown locks changing into a lavender gray.
 My eyes flashed demonically as I stood in place. "NADINE! WAKE UP ALREADY! I ORDER YOU TO KILL THAT WRETCHED WITCH!!!" Korrine ordered, as I stood in shock at Korrine. I looked back at the possessed Harriet and smirked.

 "In all the my lifetime... I've followed all my orders... And I tend not to fail, my lady." A hand was placed on my shoulder as I gazed at Sebastian and the others as I took my full and true transformation. Red horns grew from my head as my hair was let loose, my clothing transforming into my demon state. I will not lose to my other half and I will not let her take Korrine, even if I have to devour every soul to gain power to stand against her.

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