Angelic Demons

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 "What will you choose, my dear? I don't want to wait any longer!" I chimed, twirling my spear  hand like the women in those silly parades. Inside, I didn't care less if she was my daughter. It could have been anyone and I wouldn't have given a damn. I only seek power and absolute revenge on both the demons of Hell and the angels of Heaven. They both deserve to bleed! And once I obtain the powers of the Heaven, Earth, and Hell I will be eternal! As for Korrine... I'll dispose of her quickly.


 I gazed at the two from behind the pillar. The resemblance between mother and daughter for Ms. Kingsleigh and Vanessa were rather off. I had realized then that Nadine and Ms. Kingsleigh did seem similar to one another. For even if Ms. Kingsleigh had most of her father's traits... She and Nadine shared the same eyes and personality.
It had confused me though. I knew that even with the weapon of a reaper, demons cannot truly die. So why did Nadine die when impaled by Vanessa? I thought through my question carefully, as I murmured to Hannah, "Do you know why Nadine died? It's unbelievable that a demon died through the weapon of a reaper."
 Hannah looked at me with emotionless eyes. "That is a question I cannot answer as well. But I have my theories."

 "Such as?" I questioned, wondering what she had in mind. Hannah put a hand on her chin.
 "It is possible that Vanessa infused her angelic blood into the spear for it to obtain such an ability to kill a demon. But in my opinion... This may be true. I don't know what exactly could have done this. It's best to  ask a reaper." Hannah explained. She motioned over to Grell in the back as I mentally groaned.

 I moved over to the redhead as the reaper made a reaction of a mixture of both sighing and adoration. I narrowed my eyes as I ask the reaper the same question. He answers with a serious tone, "Unfortunately, Sebas-chan... We reapers don't know the answers to that!" I gritted my teeth in frustration as I gazed back at the situation.


 "I choose... To fight you." I answer. I clutch the sword in my hand tightly as Vanessa raises a hand. An eye forms shape in her palm as a sharp light bursts from her hand. I gasp as I feel lightheaded and take my hand to place it on my waist. The color red spread from my black dress as Vanessa cackles darkly.

 "Wrong choice, dearie. Now you pay."

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