Grand Finale

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     Vanessa cackled. "ALL HAIL THE DEATH OF KORRINE KINGSLEIGH!!!" She shouted, her hair wet, her wings drooped.

Adrien jumped at the chance as he took all his strength and broke through the chains, reaching for his scythe on the ground and rushing to cut one of her wings. Luckily, the winged female stayed in place, as the attack was made successful. Vanessa screeched in anger as she turned to Adrien, her spear tightened in her grip as she howled, "HOW DARE YOU, YOU UNCLEAN CREATURE! I WILL HAVE YOUR HEAD!!!" Vanessa ran forward as Adrien dodged her attack. He leapt from above and landed on a tombstone.

"Hehehe, you don't have the upper hand no longer, Vanessa." Adrien slyly stated, his green eyes shining with joy. Vanessa growled at him as he threw his scythe like a boomerang, the scythe flying in the air as it cut through Rashed, Lilliane, and Ciel's chains. Rashed tossed a gun quickly at Ciel as Lilliane took out her machine gun under her skirt. They fired at Vanessa as Adrien began to dig with his returned scythe. "My apologies if I cannot help you at current, Sebastian. But I must do this one myself. I made a promise."

Sebastian's eyes gleamed with his demonic aura as he raged back, "You cannot just do this alone. Your pride has taken over you, Undertaker!"

Adrien continued at his digging as he replied, "Not only pride, but I... I feel anger, grief, pain... Emotions I haven't felt in years. I guess... This is how karma pays me back. Taking away all the things that have made me ever so happy. That said, I will save Korrine."

Rashed pleaded to Adrien, "You're insane!!! If we want to prevent Lady Korrine's death we must ALL work together!" He shot another round of bullets at Vanessa, who protected herself with a weakened shield.

"YOU WILL NOT!!!" Vanessa howled, under the shield.

Sebastian and the others noticed her weakened state and broke through their chains, along with Lizzie, who collapsed into Mariona's arms in exhaustion. Her arms were red from the tightness of the chains, her lungs in need of oxygen.

Sebastian and the others went off to fight Vanessa together as Adrien dug up Korrine's coffin. The layers of dirt were tough to take out, which took a chunk of time to get rid of. Vanessa's shield finally shattered, as bullet began to reign down on her body. "No...NO!!!! I WILL NOT GO DOWN!!! I AM IMMORTAL!!!"

"With this, you won't be."

Everyone's gaze stared at the figure of Harriet, who weakly stood, leaning on a walking stick she had found. In her hand was the mirror, which had repaired itself when the two later escaped, and had sensed the presence of the winged angel. Vanessa's eyes widened as she began to crawl away, her legs later shot by Ciel. "That's what you get for hurting Korrine. And Elizabeth."

Vanessa ignored Ciel's rant as she continued to crawl away, her arms beginning to give out due to the energy she was wasting. Harriet walked towards Vanessa, and held the mirrior up to her form. Vanessa squirmed away as Sebastian and Claude held her down, Vanessa no longer able to move. As the mirror neared, Vanessa yelled, "I STILL HAVE ONE MORE POWER!!!" Her form began to harden, as if she were beginning to shield herself in a cocoon. An annoyed yell came from above as Grell raised his chainsaw.

"OH HELL YOU ARE NOT! YOU'VE BEEN A PAIN IN THE ASS FOR TOO LONG ENOUGH!" He shouted, as he cut through the cocoon before it hardened, shattering the cocoon as Vanessa screamed.

The mirror began shining an indigo light as it sucked up Vanessa's soul from her body, all the way until nothing was left but bones. When it was over, Lizzie opened her eyes and began running over to Adrien. "WHERE'S KORRINE?!" She demanded, grabbing the collar of the Undertaker and shaking him. Blanche held back Lizzie as her eyes shone with anger.

Adrien's present frown was never able to slide off as he muttered, "She's dead."

Ciel's eye widened as he took off his eyepatch, his Faustian Contract symbol glowing as he commanded, "Sebastian! I order you to make him tell the truth!!!"

Sebastian went up to Undertaker and stared into his soul. He slowly turned towards his master and whispered, "He's telling the truth... My Lord."

Ciel's eyes widened further as he clenched his fists. "That's... That's NOT true!!" He rushed up to the dug up grave as he saw Korrine's body, still and dead. He jumped down and held her in his arms. "Wake up, you idiot! You can't die yet!" A tear shed from his blue eye as he continued, "We had a goal. To bring down Alois Trancy and live the tale to tell it. I can't just do that alone. So wake up! Wake up!"

Ciel shook Korrine's body as Rashed went in and placed a hand on Ciel's shoulder. "There is nothing we can do, my lord."

...*3 days later*...


I watched as Korrine's new coffin was buried. They had moved her to a church nearby the Phantomhive Mansion. I requested it, for sure as Hell I wouldn't agree to having Korrine's grave in the Trancy Gardens. Over my own dead body.

Alois was transferred to a jail not far from London. He argued much that they had no right to imprison him. That statement of course, was ignored, for Korrine had collected enough info to imprison him for life.

I stared outside the window as Elisabeth came inside. She watched me sadly and muttered, "You loved her... Didn't you?"

I froze as Elizabeth added, "Don't worry, I understand. I just wanted the both of you to be happy... To lead normal lives."

I sighed as I turned to Elizabeth. "I... I'll admit, I did, and I still do. But then again... I'm too late to confess, aren't I?"

Elizabeth came over and hugged me. I welcomed her embrace as I thought of where Korrine might be at a time like this, for I knew... This wasn't the end of Korrine Kingsleigh.

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