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Beth’s P.O.V.

I walked through the crowded halls with Michael close behind me. I kept my eye out for my locker. Michael’s was supposed to be right next to mine. I looked to my right. 3046, 3047, 3048.

"Finally." I sighed as I went up to locker 3049. I looked down at my schedule to find my combination. I quickly twisted the dial and unlocked my locker. I took my notebooks and other belongings out of my bag and stuffed them into my locker.

"How do you open these fuckers?" Michael asked as he tried to pry open the locker next to mine. I shook my head and stepped in front of it. I grabbed his schedule out of his hand and tried to open his locker. I got it on the first try.

I looked up at him and smirked. He narrowed his eyes at me and laughed a little. “C’mon, I don’t want to be late on the first day.” He nodded and took a folder from his bag and set it in his locker. I’m guessing he didn’t expect to be using a lot of supplies. I lead the way to first period, Calculus.

As soon as I stepped into the classroom, I saw my best and only friend, Trinity, sitting in a desk next to the window. She looked up at me and smiled. Her smile quickly faded and she looked a little confused. I didn’t know why, until I felt Michael come stand beside me. I walked over towards Trinity and took the desk next to her. Michael followed and sat behind me.

Trinity has been my best friend since Kindergarten. I sat next to her on my first day and saw she had the 84 pack of crayons WITH the sharpener and knew I had to be her friend so I could use them. Luckily, we became friends almost instantly. Trinity was just like me. She wore the same type of clothes as me and had good grades. We were also the captains of the basketball team. We’ve been on varsity together since our Freshman year. Now we’re here on our first day of our senior year.

"Hey, Beth." She said with a smile. She looked at Michael and then back at me. "Who’s your new friend?" She asked with a smirk.

"Oh, I’m Michael. I moved here from Australia." He said taking her hand in his to shake it. She looked at me and gave me a look saying ‘I like him.’

Trinity asked Michael tons of questions about Australia until the bell rang and our teacher started class. It was Mr. Jenks who was probably the coolest teacher in this school. He actually made Calc less boring and somewhat easy.

He gave us the syllabus and read off all the rules we would need to know. I tried so hard to pay attention and not fall asleep. I had my head resting in my hand and my eyes were getting heavier.

"Is this what the whole days gonna be like?" Michael whispered to me, causing me to spring awake. His breath was hot against my neck.

I turned around slightly. “Sadly, yes.” He sighed and rested back in his seat.

For the next four periods, it was all the same thing. We were handed a packet of rules and expectations with a page that needed to be signed and handed in by Friday. Thankfully, Lunch arrived.

It was just Michael and I for lunch. Trinity was in a different period, which sucked. I had my bagged lunch in my hand and guided Michael through the crowded lunchroom. He was very cautious not to run into anyone with his tray filled with food. Once we got outside and into the courtyard, we sat under a tree. I opened my brown paper bag and pulled out a leftover sub from last night. I took a big bite and sighed.

"Ya know, Beth. You’ve been surprisingly nice to me all day." Michael said before he took a bite out of his pizza.

I rolled my eyes and laughed. “You’re a lot nicer than I thought you were going to be.” I said to him. He looked at me and smiled.

"I feel like we could be good friends." He said to me. I looked over at him. I took the quick moment to actually look at him. I had just noticed how bright and beautiful his eyes were. He had this sincere smile on his face that made my heart flutter. I quickly shook myself out of my thoughts and smiled.

"Yeah, me too." Michael smiled and continued to eat his lunch. I grabbed my backpack and took out my headphones. I plugged them into my phone and started playing M.O.N.E.Y. by The 1975.

"What song are you listening to?" Michael asked.

"M.O.N.E.Y. by The 1975." I said. "You wanna listen?" I asked offering him the other headphone.

"Yeah! I love The 1975!" I smiled and leaned back against the tree. We continued to eat our lunch while listening to my iPod. The only time we would talk was when a new song came on and we would talk about how much we loved the band or the song.

At one point, You & I by One Direction came on and I blushed immensely. He just laughed and said, “It’s okay, I actually like their music.”

It felt nice to have a guy friend, even if we just met. I could tell Michael wasn’t a bad guy, just looked bad. Like me. That’s how I knew he would be someone positive in my life.

endlessly // m.c. // [on hold]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat