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Beth's P.O.V.

"Calum?" I said in confusion. Why was he here? He graduated two years ago and moved upstate?

Calum was the boy I had dated my sophomore year and was nothing, but trouble. He drank every weekend with drugs by his side. He had tattoo's covering his arms and now, a pierced lip. I thought I was in love with him. I gave him my virginity. He was my world, but he just threw me to the side once he was done with me.

My parents hated him. They wouldn't let him inside our house. I snuck out every weekend to be with him. I never did any of the drugs he did, but I would get hammered every weekend because of him. My grades dropped and I did terrible in basketball. I'm almost kind of glad he dumped me, but he also broke my heart. It's still not fully healed.

He came over to me with a huge smile on his face and wrapped his arms around me. I didn't even bother to hug him back. I just stood there motionless in his arms.

"Wow, it's been so long." He said in what seemed like astonishment.

"Yeah, not long enough." I muttered as I crossed my arms over my chest.

He frowned a little. "You still don't like me?" I nodded, giving him an obviously fake smile. He sighed and stepped back from me.

"Can I say sorry, or will you still hate me?" He asked. He sounded a sincere at least.

I thought about it. There really was no point in me still hating him. I mean, it's been two years and I really don't like holding grudges.

I sighed and looked up at him. "Yeah, I'll accept your apology." He smiled and then leaned against the wall next to me.

"So what has you all the way in Santa Monica?" He asked. I looked over at Michael who was now talking to an employee with a longboard in his hand.

"I brought my friend Michael out here. He just moved here from Australia so I thought I'd show him around." I said noticing I had a smile on my face now that I was talking about Michael.

"Friend, huh?" Calum said with a smirk. I laughged and pushed his shoulder.

"Yes, friend. I just met him today. What am I, a slut?" Calum laughed at that cause I knew for sure that he knew I wasn't even close to that.

"No, not at all. I just thought that you two were together, I don't know." He said as he shrugged his shoulder. "Plus, I know you're into guys like that."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Why cause he looks punk like you?" I said.

He laughed and nodded. "Yeah, pretty much."

I shrugged and looked back over at Michael. "He's cute, but I don't know if I have time for a boyfriend."

"That's what you said to me." I snapped my head and glared at him. "Just saying." I shook my head and turned to see Michael walking over towards us with his new longboard in his arms.

"Now I can keep up with you when you try to race me home." Michael said with a smirk.

"Yeah if you can even ride it." Michael narrowed his eyes at me and I laughed. "Oh, Michael! This is Calum. He used to go to school with me."

Michael smiled at Calum. "Hey, I'm Michael."

"Nice to meet you, dude." Calum said. He looked down at his watch on his wrist and looked at me. "I gotta go, but I'll most likely see you around." He said. "Bye!" And then he walked out.

"He seems cool." Michael said as we both watched him leave.

"Eh, I guess so." I said quietly. Michael stared at me with a concerned look.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I'll explain on the way home." I sighed. Michael nodded and we left the store.

We stopped at a Pinkberry and grabbed some frozen yogurt. We ate it on the beach and talked about anything that came up. It was nice that we were already comfortable with each other like this. I'll admit, I have a tiny, tiny crush on Michael and wouldn't mind if we did end up together, but I would be totally okay with just being friends. He was just an awesome guy.

When we were done eating, we alked back to my car and started driving back home. I plugged my phone in this time and just played some calm music.

"So, can you tell me about Calum now?" Michael asked.

I sighed and nodded. "Well, back when I was a sophomore, I had a huge crush on Calum. He was this big bad senior that all the girls wanted. I thought nothing would ever happen between cause I was a nobody sophomore. That was until one day he just started noticing me. He went out of his way to talk to me or walk me to my classes and I thought it was a dream come true.

"We eventually started dating and we then fell in love. My parents hated him. They said he was a bad influence on me and I denied it. He was though. I would sneak out to go to parties with him on the weekends and get drunk. My grades were horrible and I wasn't doing well in basketball.

"I lost my virginity to him because I thought we were in love. I thought we would last forever and get married. Of course, two days after he dumped me and started hooking up with another girl. I was devestated. I was heart broken." I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked over at Michael.

"Are you fucking serious?" He asked. I looked back at the road and nodded. "Beth, if I knew that, I probably would've beat the shit out him back there."

I laughed and wiped the one tear that fell out of my eye. "It's okay. It was a long time ago and he's probably different now."

"I don't even care if he's a completely different person now. He could be the president of the United States now and I would still kick his ass." I laughed and smiled at Michael.

"Thanks. That means a lot." I said. I felt Michael put his hand on my knee. I looked over at him and he just smiled at me. He didn't take it off until I dropped him off at his house.


can we just take a moment and acknowledge how adorable michael is

i know calum and beth were nice to each other and stuff, but hes gonna be in this fanfic a lot and hes gonna be a total douchepants so stay tuned my friends

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