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Michael's P.O.V.

It's been a week since Trinity's bonfire. It seems like almost every second of everyday, I'm thinking about Beth. She's just so infatuating and interesting, and to think I almost didn't want anything to do with her the first time I met her.

When I accidentally knocked her over on the first day of school I thought she was gonna be some wannabe punk kid. She also looked like a complete bitch. Then she started getting sarcastic and sassy with me. That's how I knew she was a cool person. Also, the All Time Low tank top gave away her great taste in music.

I think what really made me get these feelings for her was when she sang for me. As a hidden singer, I know it's hard to sing in front of people. Especially people you don't know. I can barely sing in the shower when I know my mum is home.

When she sang, it was like all of the walls she had up for me came tumbling down. Yeah, there are definetily more cause of what Calum did to her, but I know that eventually those will come down too. In time, she'll be able to let me in and I have time.

The only thing that sucks about liking Beth is that eventually she's gonna find out about my past and I know that's gonna make things hard. She doesn't know why I actually moved to America. No one does. Everyone still thinks my mum just got her job transferred. I don't want people to find out why I'm actually here. Especially Beth.

I just don't want her to get hurt by me. I'm being very careful. I'm just scared that I'm gonna end up hurting her without even meaning to.

Beth's P.O.V.

I sat at my table eating a bowl of cereal and smiling at my phone as I texted Michael. We were practically a couple, but we just haven't become official yet.

"Why are you so smiley?" My mom asked as she poured herself a cup of coffee. She was still in her robe and had her hair up in a messy ponytail. She came and sat across from at the table.

"Because..." I said trying not to make it obvious it was about a boy.

"Do you like that Michael boy, and is that who you're texting?" She asked. I felt my heart beat quicken. I knew she didn't like him that much and that's part of the reason why Michael and I aren't dating yet.

"Yeah." I sighed, instantly feeling my happiness drain from me.

My mom sighed and rubbed her face. "He seems like trouble, Bethany." She said. I knew she was being serious because she used my full name.

"Mom, he really isn't. He's such a nice guy." I said convincingly. I wanted her to believe me.

"But he has tattoos and colored hair. He just has that whole bad boy thing going for him." She said.

"Is this because he reminds you of Calum?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yes and that scares me. I don't want you going down that path again." She said quietly.

I knew she was being sincere. She just wanted me to be safe and smart. "Mom, I told Michael about Calum. He absolutely hates him and he doesn't even know him." I said sort of telling the truth. She doesn't know about the time Michael and I went to Santa Monica the first day I met him.

She smiled a little. "That makes me feel a little better about him. Your dad is still skeptical about him, but I'm sure he'll lighten up eventually." I smiled at that.

"Thanks mom. That means a lot." I said as I got up to put my bowl in the sink.

"Why don't you have him over for dinner tonight! This way we can actually get to know him." She said.

I smiled and nodded. "Sure! I'll text him and ask." I said excitedly as I ran out of the kitchen and up the stairs into my room.

I laid down on my bed smiling and checked my phone. Michael had texted me back, but I didn't get to check it while talking to my mom.

hey do you want to come over for dinner tonight?? my mom and dad want to actually meet you

I clicked send. I don't know why, but I was nervous. This is a huge make or break situation with relationships. Either my parents could love Michael and allow me to be with him, or they could hate his guts and never let me near him again.

I sat on my bed looking at my wall when I felt my phone vibrate. I let the breath I didn't even know I was holding in, out and opened the message from Michael.

so your parents dont actually hate me!?

I smiled a little and typed out a reply.

yeah, surprisingly. just dont do anything stupid and they might like you for real.

I sent the text and laid back in my bed. As soon as I closed my eyes my phone went off again.

well then i'll make sure to be at your house tonight looking prim and proper ;)

I laughed and locked my phone. This could actually work out. I could actually be with Michael and not have to worry about my parents hating him. I could actually be happy.


hi i know i havent updated in forever but my old laptop was so crappy and virus infested so i finally got my new one and i plan on writing like every night so this way i can updated often now :-)

endlessly // m.c. // [on hold]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن