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Beth's P.O.V.

It's been two weeks since I saw Calum. I thought I wouldn't stop thinking about him, but to be honest, I haven't thought about him once. I was alwasy thinking about Michael. That tiny crush I had on him is slowly developing into a huge crush. That scares me.

My parents know about Michael and have met him, but they aren't too fond of him. They think that he's up to no good when he's honestly one of the sweetest boys I have ever met. I tell them all the time that he's a great kid, but they never listen. Probably because Calum ruined that whole punk image for them.

On the brightside, they don't mind if I hang out with him because they know that I don't like going to parties ever since Calum and I'm glad they trust me enough to hangout with Michael.

It's a Saturday afternoon and I'm sitting in my room trying to learn Not About Angels by Birdy on the piano. It's pretty simple, but I'm sucha perfectionist that I need it to be as good as possible. I had finally gotten through the whole song without messing up, when I heard my phone buzz. I grabbed it and saw it was a text from Trinity.

hey!! bonfire at my place tonight!! theres gonna be alcohol but theres only a few people coming so dont worry about it getting back to your parents

She knows me so well. I have drank ever since Calum, but I was always afraid my parents would somehow find out. They always knew what was going on in the neighborhood and that scared me. I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind and typed out a message back to her.

cool beans dude. i'll be there

I set my phone down and tried to play the song over again. I only got two chords in before Trinity's name popped up on my phone screen.

im inviting michael so you two can finally kiss and be together forever

I rolled my eyes and started typing.

shut up you weenie. he doesnt like me and i dont like him.

I gave up on playing piano and went over to my bed. My phone started vibrating. I thought it was a text from Trinity, but it was her calling me instead. I answered it and sighed.


"Okay, okay! I like him, but I know for sure he doesn't like me!" I yelled back.

She scoffed. I could just picture her rolling her eyes. "It's so obvious he likes you! He follows you around like a puppy! It's the cutest thing ever!"

I thought about it. He is always by my side whenever we're together. He shows the small signs that people get when they have a crush on someone. Does he like me?

I sighed. "I don't know, Trin. I mean I want him to like me, but I just don't know if he does."

"Hey, don't worry about it, honey. We're gonna find out tonight." I smiled. This is why she was my best friend.

"Okay, good cause I need to know soon or I'm gonna freak out." She laughed which cause me to laugh. "I'll see you later, dude."

"Okay, bye!" I hung up the phone and laid back in my bed. I really freaking hope something happens tonight.


I parked my car in Trinity's driveway and stepped out on to the black top. I locked my car and started walking to the backyard. I saw the fire had already started and Luke and Trinity were bringing stuff out from the house. Her parents were away for the weekend so we had the house all to ourselves. It was even better that she had very few neighbors so we could be as loud as we want and no one would know we were drinking.

"Hey!!" Trinity shouted as she set the stuff down on the table. She came over to me and hugged me. We let go of each other and walked over to the fire. She had a beer pong table set up and a table full of drinks and food.

"Hey, Luke." I said as I walked over to him and hugged him. Luke was my favorite of all the boyfriends Trinity has ever had. He was so cool and just a great guy.

"Hey, Beth. So are we getting you and Mikey to hook up tonight?" He asked as he let go of me. I rolled my eyes and felt a blush appear on my cheeks. They both started laughing at me and then we sat down by the fire.

Soon, everyone else arrived. Trinity only invited Michael, and our other friends, Ashton, Kayla, Tanya, and Tyler. Tanya and Kayla were on the basketball team with us and have been since freshman year. They were awesome. Tyler was Kayla's boyfriend from another school in LA, and Ashton was Luke's best friend.

"Hey, Beth! Come play pong with me and Tanya!" Ashton shouted. They had beaten Trinity and Luke and think they're unstoppable now. Ashton was already a little tipsy and Tanya was just having a good time.

"I don't have a partner!" I shouted as I grabbed a bud light strawberita out of the cooler. next to the table full of drinks.

"Michael will be your partner!" Tanya shouted. I glared at her and she just smirked at me.

"Yeah, let's go, Beth!" Michael shouted as he got up from his chair by the fire. We walked over to the pong table.

After a very tight and intense game of beer pong, Michael and I beat Tanya and Ashton. We started freaking out and Michael picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and started running around the yard. I was laughing hystarically and telling him to put me down.

Because of the drinks he had consumed, he collapsed onto the ground leaving me on top of him. We were both laughing as hard as we could. I pushed myself up a little so I could see Michael's face better. He looked into my eyes and licked his lips.

"Beth, you're so pretty." He said as his hands found my waist.

I felt my cheeks turn red and I pushed my hair behind my ear. "Thank you." I said quietly.

He smiled and started rubbing my sides. "I really want to kiss you right now." He whispered.

I leaned down so my lips were almost brushing his. "Then do it." I whispered back. He leaned up just enough so his lips were touching mine.

It was a short and sweet kiss. It only lasted a few seconds, but it was just enough for now.



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