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Faith's P.O.V.

The rest of my school day was quite easy. I had choir, jazz band, then study hall to finish my day. I had no idea why Michael was in these classes, but he was.

I walked into the choir room with Michael next to me and saw Trinity sitting on the risers talking to Luke, her boyfriend. I walked over towards them and smiled.

"Hey guys!" Trinity said to me. "Oh! Luke this is Michael! He just moved here from Australia!"

"Wow! Australia?" Luke asked.

Michael nodded. "Yeah. My mum's job transfered her over here to LA." Michael and Luke continued to talk about Australia and his mom's job. I was scrolling through twitter on my phone when I felt Trinity tap my shoulder.

"So what do you think of Michael?" She asked with a sly smile.

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "He pissed me off in the beginning of the day, but now he seems really cool. He has a great taste in music that's for sure."

Trinity laughed. "You and your taste in music. Always wanting to make friends through music." I just shrugged. The bell rang and I turned my attention towards the front of the room where I saw our choir director, Mrs. Everest. 

"Welcome back students! Now some of you have just joined choir and some of you are returners. Just know that this is a select choir. You have to audition to be in it. The returners do not have to try out again." I looked over at Michael and he looked a little alarmed.

"Did you not know this was a select choir?" I asked him. He just shook his head. "Can you even sing?" He just shrugged his shoulders. "How could you sign up for choir and not know if you can sing?"

He shrugged his shoulders again. "I only signed up cause I needed the extra credit." I sighed. That's why Michael was in this class.

"Do you not know how to play an instrument either?" I asked, sarcastically.

"Oh, no! I can play the guitar. You need that in a jazz band right?" I giggled and nodded my head. We turned our attention back to Mrs. Everest. She finished her little lecture by saying every returner would take a newbie and help them as much as they could with their audition. Of course, I picked Michael. He explained to me how he needed the credit otherwise he wouldn't graduate and I couldn't let him be stuck in this hell hole alone.

The rest of class was considered a study hall, but I thought I would take advantage of it by forcing Michael into a sound room with me. Every sound room had a snare drum, keyboard, and guitar. I sat down at the keyboard and pulled a stool next to it so Michael could sit.

"Okay so let's start with the basics of singing. We'll start with solfedge." Michael raised his hand. "Yes?" I said while laughing.

"What's a soul fish?" I burst out laughing.

"No. Not soul fish. Solfedge. It's like do, re, mi, and stuff like that." He nodded. I played the keys on the keyboard and Michael hummed along.

"Can you sing them with me?" He asked. I nodded and smiled at how cute it was that he asked for my help.

I sang the solfedge with him until he finally got it, which took a little bit longer than expected.

"Okay. So every person auditioning has to pick a solo to sing. It can be any song as long as it shows their singing ability well." He nodded and took out his phone.

He scrolled through his music until he found a song. "Is If It Means A Lot to You by A Day to Remember okay?" I nodded. "Could I play my guitar with my audtion?"

I nodded again. "Yeah! I auditioned with a piano."

"What song did you sing?" Michael asked with a small smile.

"The Scientist by Coldplay." I said. I remembered that day really well. I was so nervous, but I somehow pulled it off enough to make it.

"If you don't mind, could you play it right now?" He asked.

"Yeah, if I remember it." I said causing him to chuckle.

I played the chords and sang along. I finished the song and looked over at Michael.

"Holy shit." He said in awe. "You're fucking amazing." I laughed and felt my cheeks getting warmer. I starred down at my hands and played with the tips of my fingers.

"Thanks." I looked up at him and starred into his eyes. A smile started to grow on his lips. The bell rang and we were brought out of our little stare down.

We walked over to the band room across the hall and sat down in some chairs. The teacher, Mr. Hatfield came over to us and asked us how our summer went. He asked me if I was still playing piano for the band and then talked to Michael about being the guitar player for the band since our old guitarist graduated last year. Then the rest of the period he talked to the class about what we should all expect out of this year.

Soon, that period ended and we walked to our last period, study hall. We got passes to go to the library which let us sit outside. I checked out Crank by Ellen Hopkins and sat underneath the tree Michael and I sat under for lunch. Michael came and sat next to me and sighed.

"What are you doing after school?" He asked me. I set my book down and thought for a second.

"I don't think I'm doing anything. Why?" I said as I looked over at him.

He shrugged, which I was noticing was a weird habit of his. "I have nothing to do and just wanted to hang out or something."

"You can come over to my house. I live a few blocks away and then we could drive to Santa Monica. It's only a half hour from here." I said to him.

He smiled and looked forward. "Sounds like a plan." I smiled and opened my book back up. I felt butterflies fill my stomach and I couldn't tell if I hated the fact that I had them or if I loved it.

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