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Beth's P.O.V.

After mine and Michael's little kiss, we went back to playing beer pong and beating everyone else at the bonfire. We agreed that from now on we would be each other's pong partners at any party we went to. Now we were all sitting around the fire talking about school while taking sips of our drinks.

"I'm bored." Trinity grumbled. We stopped talking and started thinking of things to do.

"Why don't we play never have I ever?" Kayla asked.

"Yeah! That sounds like fun!" Michael exclaimed. We all stuck our fingers up and looked around at each other. 

"I'll go first!" Tanya said. "Never have I ever made out in public." Trinity, Luke, and I put a finger down.

Next was Ashton. "Never have I ever not worn underwear for a whole day." Tanya, Kayla, and Tyler put a finger down as they all giggled.

Ashton looked next to him at Tyler. "Um, never have I ever gone skinny dipping." Michael, Luke, Trinity, Tanya, and I put a finger down.

Kayla tapped a finger on her chin as she tried to think. "Oh, I got one! Never have I ever watched Netflix." Everyone, but her put a finger down.

"That was super lame." I said to her and we all laughed.

"Well, you try and think of something good!" She said back to me.

I thought for a second. "Never have I ever smoked weed." Trinity and I were the only two who didn't put a finger down.

"Really? You've never smoked?" Michael asked me.

I nodded. "I never wanted it to effect me and basketball."

"Beth, weed isn't really bad for you. As long as you don't smoke it all the time it's fine." Tanya said to me.

"We're gonna get you two to try it!" Luke shouted as he got up and ran into the house.

I looked at Trinity and gave her a skeptical look. "I told him I would smoke with him tonight so he must have enough for all of us." I nodded.

I felt kind of nervous. I was scared I would choke on the smoke or something weird. I felt someone grab my hand. It was Michael. I smiled at him and squeezed his hand.

"It's not bad, Beth. I promise you." He whispered to me. I nodded. He patted his lap telling me to sit in his lap. I got up and sat down on top of his legs and he wrapped his arms around me. He kissed my cheek and nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck. He was so freaking cute.

Luke came running out with a bowl and a zip lock bag full of weed. He sat down next to Trinity and started stuffing it. He grabbed a lighter from his back pocket and put the bowl up to his lips. He lit the weed and inhaled. He let out the smoke and smiled. He passed it to Trinity. and she looked down at it.

"Here." He said. He grabbed a water bottle from next to him and handed it to her. "It's gonna feel like your throat is on fire so just drink the water." She nodded and took a hit. She started coughing and opened the water. She took a sip and started breathing heavily.

"Holy shit, that hurt!" She said. Luke smiled a little and pressed his lips to her forehead. "Beth!" She shouted to me as she threw the water bottle. I caught it and set it in my lap.

Tanya, Ashton, Kayla, and Tyler all took a hit out of the bowl and soon it was my turn. I looked down at the bowl. I sighed and put it up to my lips. I lit the weed and inhaled. I quickly took it away from my mouth and started coughing. I felt like I couldn't breath. I thought I was gonna die. Michael took the bowl from me and handed me the water. I took a sip as fast as I could.

"Fuck." I said, breathlessly. Michael laughed a little and rubbed my back. He took a hit and exhaled the smoke into rings. "I wanna try that." I mumbled as I took the bowl from him.

"Are you sure you want to take another hit?" He asked. I nodded and took a hit. This time it was much better. As I let the smoke out, I made the same rings Michael did. I looked at him and smiled. He just laughed and shook his head.


After we had all finished smoking two bowls, we were really fucking high. Tanya was sitting on the ground with Ashton laying his head in her lap. They were laughing hystarically at who know's what. Kayla and Tyler had a bag of chips and were eating as fast as they could. Trinity and Luke were still smoking the bowl and just laughing. I was still sitting on Michael's lap, but I was playing with his hair. He was just looking at the fire.

"You wanna know what would be super cool." I said to Michael.

"Hmm?" He hummed as he looked up at me.

"If you dyed your hair black and red." He raised an eyebrow at me and laughed.

"I was thinking about dying my hair a dark color." He said.

"Can I dye it for you!?" I asked, excitedly.

He nodded. "Yeah! It could be like our first date or something!" I giggled and kissed his nose. He smiled and kissed my lips quickly.

"You would look so hot with black hair." I said quietly. He smirked at me and kissed me again, but it wasn't just a quick kiss. Our lips started moving in sync together. I felt my stomach fill with butterflies. I was actually kissing Michael.

"Wanna go into the house?" I asked him. He smirked and nodded.

Everyone was too high and drunk to notice us go inside the house. I grabbed Michael's hand and led him up the stairs in Trinity's house. I dragged Michael down the hall and into the spare bedroom. As soon as he was inside, I closed the door and put my lips on his. He rested his hands on my waist and started walking backwards toward the bed. I pushed him down onto the bed and crawled on top of him.

I straddled his waist and kissed his neck. I heard him moan and grip my waist. One hand traveled down to my butt and gave it a squeeze. I giggled a little and started kissing his lips again.

"Wait." Michael mumbled against my lips. I sat up and looked at him.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked, instantly feeling insecure.

"No! Not at all!" He said as he rested his hands on my hips. "I just don't want to rush things with you."

I felt my stomach erupt with butterflies again. "Really?" I asked. I couldn't believe how sweet he was.

"Yeah." He said as he nodded. "I like you. I like you a lot actually and I'm not sure if that's weird cause I've only known you for a few weeks, but I do. You're just so down to earth and you really don't care what people think about you. You're athletic, have great taste in music, and so unbelievably beautiful." He paused for a second and looked right into my eyes. "I don't want to mess this up. That's why I want to take things slow."

I swear, I could've cried right there. No guy has ever made me feel that special by saying a couple of words. Ever since Calum, all guys see me as some easy girl. I leaned down and kissed Michael. This time, slowly and more passionatly.

"You don't know how much that means to me, Michael." I whispered against his lips. I sat up a little so I could see his face.

He smiled and cupped my face in his hands. "I want you to feel special, Beth. You deserve to feel that way."

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