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I woke up to the sound of the alarm on my phone. 

"Sam, can I borrow your yellow sweater?" Kaitlyn asks while walking into my room.

My room is in the basement. Kaitlyn and Erica share a room and Patrick and Brenden share one. Conor and I have our own. 



I got dressed and ate some cereal.

"Ready to go?" Kaitlyn and Erica ask.

"Yeah, let me just get my phone. I think I left it downstairs." I say while leaving the kitchen.

I  grab my phone and get on the car.

I had a lot of notifications.

Hey :)




I'm not gonna call you the name you prefer to be called


Oh shoot, Michael just reminded me about the time difference.

Sweet dreams.

I smiled while reading the messages. 

Brady is so cute.

"What are you smiling about?" Kaitlyn asks while driving.

"Nothing." I say.

"I bet it's about Brady." Erica says from the backseat.

"Shut up." I say while blushing.

"So it is!" Kaitlyn says while pulling up to the high school.

"Oh, we're here. I'll see you guys later!" I say while walking, well, basically running out of the car.

It's fifth period now, I'm sitting in science class with my best friend Caroline. I hate science.  

I usually try to not look at my phone during class, but my science teacher is just so boring. Or it could just be that I'm curious if Brady messaged me. It's probably the boring science teacher.


I look down at my phone and see four messages from Brady.

Good morning beautiful.

Wait, I didn't mean to say that.

Not that you're not beautiful though, cause you are.

I'm just gonna shut up now.

You didn't say it, you typed it. 


And good morning handsome.

"Samantha, can you come up here please?" My teacher says.

I stand up and walk to his desk.

"Yes?" I say.

"Leave your phone up here for the rest of class."

I've been caught. 

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