3 Hours

556 16 6


I arrive at the show with the rest of my family. We have seats reserved for us. 

"Girls, you can go watch in the front row if you want." Dena says to me and my sisters.

We make our way towards the front, pushing through crowds of screaming girls. Jay and his sister, Molly, are there too.

"Sammy!" Jay says.

"Jay!" I say back. He leans in for a hug and I hug back.

"Weren't you guys together like an hour ago?" Molly asks.

"Yes." I say and laugh.


I'm so nervous for my performance tonight. I mean, what if I mess up? What if I'm not good enough to make it in the band?

I look out into the crowd. I see Michael's parents and brothers but not his sisters. I look around and find them making their way to the front row. Right where Jay is. I see Samantha and Jay hug.


That hurts.


The show starts in two minutes. I'm so excited to see my brother perform his solo. He's been working so hard and has improved a lot.


Good luck tonight. I love you♥️ @michaelbmoc


Rita opens up the show and I can barely contain my excitement. Here we go!


"I know I'm not the only one." I sang and ended my solo. I really felt the emotion in those lyrics. Would Samantha be happier with Jay? All I really want is for her to be happy. But I also want her with me. 


"CONOR!!!!!!" I scream and jump into his arms after the show.

He picks me up and kisses me on the cheek.

"You're gonna make it in the band." I say to him.

"It could go either way." He says. 

"Smith kids, where are you?" Dena yells since we are all scattered around backstage. 

We all walk over and see what's up.

"Get in the vans so we can go to dinner with everyone." She says.

I get in the van and see Jay, Molly and Sergio. I sit between Jay and Molly.

"Sammy, check out this edit." Jay says and shows me his phone. It was a really funny edit of the boys.


I walk onto the van and the first thing I see is Samantha and Jay laughing at something on his phone. I can't help but feel jealous. 

Why did I have to fuck things up?

"Hey Brady." Michael says and sits next to me.

"Hey, good job on your solo." I say.

"Thanks, you too."

I look over at Samantha and see her talking to Jay. She looks so happy.

"She misses you." Michael says.

"What? No she doesn't. I was a jerk."

"Of course she does. And she wants to forgive you."


"Yep. But she's leaving tomorrow early in the morning, so you have to talk to her tonight. Before midnight."

"Ok, I will." I say and start to feel better. 

We get to the restaurant and find a place to sit. I tried to sit next to Samantha but Jay and Patrick beat me to it. I'll talk to her after dinner.

After we ate dinner and ordered dinner the producer of the show asked to talk to me. We go to the front of the restaurant.

"Hey Brady, it's good to hear that you and Samantha aren't dating anymore."

"What? That's not true." I say.

"Well it better be. I already told you why." He says and walks back to the table.


We finish our desert and head back to the hotel. It's around 9:00.

Three hours and counting.


I don't know what to do. I need Samantha. But I need my career.


I want to tell you everything but I can't. 












Meet me in the lobby



a.n.// woahhh drama. next chapter might get a little intense...

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