New Student

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I never noticed how many kids there are playing outside after school. I'm sitting in the art room alone, everyone gone and back home. I see a little girl out the window trip on a crack on the sidewalk. A slightly older boy, probably her brother, comes over to help her up. She's crying, but he somehow finds a way to make her feel better. I miss my brother. 

I silently leave the room and make my way to Kaitlyn, who is waiting for me in the parking lot.

Knowing me, I was texting while walking and bumped into someone.

"Oh, sorry." I say.

"It's fine. Do you know where room 217 is?" The boy asked.

"Yeah, I can take you there. Are you new?" I ask, not recognizing the boy.

"Yeah, I just moved here from Arizona."

"Oh, that's cool. Follow me." I say and start walking.

"I'm Josh by the way." He says.

"I'm Sam." I say and smile at him.

We continue to walk and make small talk.

"Well, here's your room." I say.

"Thanks. I'll see you around?"


I make my way to Kaitlyn and get in the car.

"What took you so long?" She asks.

"I was just showing a new student to a room." I say.

"Oh, that's nice. How about some Starbucks? We can pick Erica up."

"Sounds good."


a.n.// just a quick filler chapter

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