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"Wanna stop by the mall and get some food?" Conor asks me on the way home from school.

"Yeah." I say and turn on the radio.

We start jamming out to some of our old favorite songs.


We pull up in the driveway about an hour later.

"Hey Sam,"

"Yes?" I say before opening the door.

"No matter what happens, I'll always love you and be there for you." He says

"Wow, way to be sappy." I laugh and get out of the car.

I go through the kitchen door and hear laughter and people talking. Conor is right behind me.

"Hello?" I say and peak my head into the living room.

I see Dena, Kaitlyn, Erica, Chance, Drew, Sergio and Brady.

I hold eye contact with him for a few seconds and feel frozen. All of the memories rushing back. I stay silent and make my way to my room.



The boys are staying at the Smith house for a night because they have a performance in Cleveland tomorrow.

Samantha doesn't leave her room at all. She canceled her date with Ben. She doesn't come down for dinner, even when Erica tried to get her to come down.

Hours pass. Everyone else is in the dining room enjoying each others company.

"Do you smell something burning?" Kaitlyn asks.

Dena walks into the living room and sees the Christmas tree on fire, catching everything else around it on fire.

"Everyone out!" She yells.

Samantha is still in her room upstairs, blasting her music in her headphones.


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