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"I have something to be done this time, I think, I must need this.." whispers Zirr while the cruisers are on their rest. He secretly escape out from the laboratory. With the use of the teleportation watch, and in a blink, he transported into his house.

His house was ruined and looted by some people who are now starving because of the scarcity of food and chaos were prevailing the land. Inside his house, he saw the dog where the spirit of Vander was once inserted. It was very dull and dirty.

"Oh, so sorry pippy for neglecting you for a while because Zirr is very busy this past days."

"Arf! Arf!"

"Okay, okay hush, hush! I know, I know...You're too hungry I understand that. I will clean and must be full first,  and Bro Vander was here that he might have a plan in inserting you if he saw that you are clean and hug-gable again..."

"He he he, that's nice Bro. I like you on that Bro. You're always alert and caring for a friend!" says the apparition of Vander to recognize the good outlook of his friend.

"Yah... Always bear that in your spiritual mind Bro, that was me! I'm always a good friend of yours and that even death will not do us apart he he he. This death has no power over us now. I know that because I'm an enlightened creature, see hah!"

"That's good! I praise you on that Bro. I am always a good friend too. But as a missioner, and an enlightened one, death has no power over us. You are in me, and I Am in yours too. That's the truth."

"Yeah, we are. And this is the reason why I'm not afraid of facing all of my enemies, Kloah and the Legions of falling angels because you are my cohort. So, if you have power, I have mine, also, right?"

"Hummn, No, not like that. Don't rely always on me Bro coz I'm only your vandersword, your wonder sword. And if I return into the bosom of our creator and that is where I came from , what will you doing then?"

"I will search you anywhere."

"Wrong, that's a bad manner! Not like that. You must not rely on someone you must have your own self. That is your I Am! That was our connection! He is in you, he has the power just as I am. HE is long forgotten, weeping. Hoping that someday, all human will recognize HIM that he is inside them. That is enlightened to know him, their  I AM, that is what He, with the connection towards His creator, our Almighty Ama RA."

"Yeah, yeah I know that he he. I'm just carried away with my fascinations about this truth that are prevailing on me. I'm just kidding, I am always invincible he he he. Do I look one?"

Zirr opens the refrigerator. He's so lucky that he found three cans of un-expired pork-n-beans. He gives a can of the stuff to the dog and the remaining is for him. "Oh here's a blessing..."We're so much lucky dog that God always provide us our food for the day..."

"Hmm, Bro, that was the power of our living God. He always provides somebody with all his needs. If you believe in Him, your longings shall be added unto you." Ao (Luc 12:31)

"Praises are to God Bro."

"Bro, by the way, I have a plan of going into your mamma's house and try to see her, I love her Bro."

"Hmm, that's a better idea, Bro."

"Bro I was really bothered about what happened to your mamma. It's been a long time since...We can't deny the fact that the peace of our land is on the verge of declining."

"Yeah, we'll go there. I am very sure that my Mamma in flesh was in the safest place now. I'm very sure of that because when I was in flesh; I built a secret passage to keep us safe even if the worlds be in Noah's days or in Lot's place."

VANDERSWORD (code:8:58-3:14:15) EIGHT WORD Reveal.Where stories live. Discover now