13- Carter Vanroy

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Ever since Thursday night, the night of the kiss, Carter had thrown himself into his relationship with Caroline. He was playing the whole thing off as not a big deal, which was easy given the fact that he had yet to see Jordan since that night.

Friday morning Carter had awoken to the sound of his alarm, and then immediately called Caroline, begging her to skip school and go to the beach with him. It was easy to convince her, all he had to say was that he didn't want to spend the beautiful day inside, but out looking at the world with her, but it was a lie. In reality, Carter would say anything to get out of going to school- to put off seeing Jordan for just a bit longer.

He needed more time to think, to forget about how hard Jordan's body had felt under his fingertips. Forget how his lips were warm and wet and his tongue burnt Carter with the taste of cinnamon.

But Carter was having a hard time forgetting, especially about how heart broken he had felt when Jordan had told him to leave.

While Carter still needed time, it was clear Jordan did not. A half an hour after first hour had started, ten minutes before Carter left to go pick up Caroline, his phone had buzzed with text from his best friend, a very causal, Skipping today? Want me to bring you lunch?

Carter's extremely long reply of rejection was awkward, so he had completely given up on texting Jordan, though this only seemed to encourage Jordan to try harder to get in contact with him. He even went as far as to call Carter before he went to sleep.

In his conflicted state, Carter obviously hadn't answered the call, only laid on his side and watched his phone buzz for half a minute on his nightstand with Jordan's name on the screen. When the ringing had finally stopped, Carter allowed himself to listen to the voicemail left by a sleepy voiced Jordan three times.

One to hear what he had to say, two because he couldn't hear him well enough the first time, and three... Carter didn't really have an excuse for the third time yet but he would think of one.

It was during the third listen through that Carter decided he was being stupid. Trying to put distance yourself from someone important over one little insignificant slip up was a mistake. So what if their lips had brushed for a minute? He sighed wasn't about to lose his best friend over that.

Carter decided that he wasn't going to allow anything between himself and Jordan to be awkward. When he walked into school on Monday, he would go straight up to his best friend and talk to him how he always would. What had happened between them wasn't a big deal, so he was going to stop treating it as if it was.

Carter also decided that he would shower his girlfriend with love. Caroline had been in his sights for years now, and since she was finally his girlfriend, he was start to treat her how he always said he would. They would go on dates and hold hands in public and he was going to be a good boyfriend. He owed her that much.

If Carter had been nervous about taking this step with Caroline, he shouldn't have been. After spending the whole weekend with her, he realized that it would actually be quite easy to shower her with love, especially since he was actually beginning to wonder if his feelings toward her were in fact love.

How could they not be? She was sweet and beautiful and perfect. Carter would be insane to not love her.

But he also something for Jordan, something that made his heart beat fast.

He kept all these thoughts to himself, though he more than anything wanted to share them with Jordan. It felt wrong to not talk to the younger boy about everything all the time.

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