The Hidden Truth

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3rd POV
Y/N and Gamera flew back from the clash of their claws. They both roared and started charging their blast, then unleashed the full power of their them making a few buildings collapse when they collided
Y/N thoughts: I wish I knew what this thing was, cosmos are dead because I couldn't help them
Phil: oh yeah I know what it is
Y/N thoughts: are you serious, YOU KNEW THIS ENTIRE TIME
Phil: it's name is Gamera
Y/N thoughts: never heard of it, what does it do
Phil: all I have is the name
Y/N thoughts: well Fuck you too
Phil: hey be lucky I knew it's name, real question is why is it here
Y/N Thoughts: probably to kill us
Phil: sure we'll believe that
Gamera got in its shell and started flying like a missile towards Y/N knocking him over. Y/N then blasted Gamera making its shell smoke. Y/N then got up and charged Gamera making it fall on its back. He went over to its head and was about to smash it until a large amount of smoke covered its body, it disappeared leaving Y/N looking around confused.
Blake ran towards Y/N and noticed someone running to the side. Blake made a quick turn and tackled the person.
Blake: i got you......girl?
Blake tackled a girl, she was a brunette, a teenager, maybe 16
Girl: I surrender
Blake: who are you, and why are you here
Girl: I'm Alice, I came here, because I heard an evil monster was here
Blake: the turtle is gone
Alice: no, I'm talking about the giant lizard, how can the turtle be evil when I was it
Blake: Y/N!!!! You might want to see this
Y/N (still in Godzilla form) went over to Blake.
Y/N: *roars*
Blake: yes this is important, turn back to human
Y/N: *roars*
Blake: Y/N just do it
Y/N started turning back to his normal self, Alice looking horrified
Y/N: ok what's so important, I'm looking for that damn turtle
Blake: This is the turtle
Y/N grabbed her by the shirt
Alice: why were you attacking Mistral
Y/N: I was defending it from you
Y/N threw her on the ground
Alice: those you're a half breed too
Y/N: yeah. My father was a psychopath and my mother was Faunus
Alice: vise versa, my mother is a psychopath named Salem, my father was Faunus
Y/N: Salem......where have I heard that name before
Alice: does it matter, now why were you attacking me
Y/N: you came to the city, I was here when I was told a monster was heading this way
Alice: I was told a monster was heading this way
Alice: my instructor at Atlas told me from an anonymous source
Y/N: Atlas? How long have you been there for
Alice: I just joined last week, after the news of the General being found dead
Y/N: alright, also same thing with Ozpin
Alice: am I free to go
Alice: I'll take that as a no
Y/N: take it as a no
Blake: Y/N, where will she be
Y/N: it's fine, Jaune lost a bet
Blake: oh lord
Y/N: hey, Jaune and Pyrrha can have practice taking care of this one
Blake: Y/N
Y/N: what?
Blake: Ren and Nora would probably be better
Y/N: hehehehehe, I like the way you think

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