Belladonna Attack

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Blake POV
It's been twelve hours and still no sign of him at all, I'm really starting to worry. In the distance I saw some lights, my eyes widened when I saw what it was....the White Fang is coming. I ran back inside to let my parents and Riley know.
Me: the White Fang is coming
Dad: how many?
Me: there's too many to count
Riley: I'll take out a number of them
I grabbed her arm
Me: don't kill them, they're misguided more than anything
Riley: I'll see what I can do....but no promises
She went out the front door and to the white Fang. Dad started flipping tables.
Mom: what's that for?
Dad: in case some get past Riley, we need some cover to shoot from
Mom: but I don't have a gun
Dad: use this
He threw her a shotgun, the smile that grew on her face was horrifying.
Riley POV
I saw them coming, they were armed and ready. Blake didn't want me killing them, so I can't transform....I still have my strength....let's see how this goes.
They all stopped and looked at me, I grinned and charged them, I punched a guy in the ribs and then kicked another, I need to keep as many away as possible.
Through the sky we were flying like a jet, I've been holding on Weiss because she's too light for this speed.
Weiss: are you sure this is a good idea Y/N!?
Me: I mean, it's giving me a yeah
Weiss: so we are heading back to Blake?
Me: that's correct
Weiss: has anything happened since I last saw her
Me: new clothing.....doesn't look to bad
Weiss: is that a fire?
I looked at her house in the distance, it was burning
I ran off Mothra's wing and dived Into the ocean and swam with all my strength, within seconds I was on the island and running to the house. The Faunus were surrounding the house, and a bunch of unconscious white Fang were on the ground
Me: Riley!!
Riley: King? About time you're back
Me: where's Blake
Riley: she's inside, the heat is to much for me. I tried to get in
Me: it's no regular fire...I'll be back
I ran in, this heat was insane.
Me: BLAKE!!!
Kali: Y/N?!
Me: you first
I picked her up and jumped out a window and placed her down, I then went back through the building to see Ghira under support beams.
Me: Ghira....what happened
Ghira: white fang....I won't make it....Blake is in the next room
Me: you're going outside
I lifted the support beams, the fire actually burned, that's something new. I pulled him out and tossed him out the window.
I ran over to the door and kicked it open, Blake was on the ground unconscious with that bitch from before....Ilia I think.
I ran over to her and picked up both Ilia and Blake. The support beams blocked the door way, I was looking around for a way out.
Me: Sorry Ghira
I blasted a hole through the house. I threw Ilia out there and I jumped out with Blake in my arms. The house then fell to the ground, leaving nothing but a burning pile of debris.
Me: dammit.....if I was here sooner....Adam.....HE'LL PAY FOR THIS
My eyes went reptilian followed with a slight ringing
Phil: easy Y/N....your Kaiju blood is maturing...
Me: we have to get them to someplace safe
I heard mothra's roar as she flew over head. I grabbed Ilia and dragged her to the front.
I turned the corner and saw Kali crying.
I threw Ilia in front of them and I held Blake bridal style.
Kali: Blake?!
She and Ghira, who was wounded, walked over to see me holding her
Me: we need a medic as soon as possible
Ghira: you....saved our lives
Me: I didn't....I feel like I'm the cause
Kali: you weren't here
Me: that's my point....Blake is unconscious and burned....because I wasn't here to make sure she was alright.....
Mothra roared at me
Me: what do you mean you can heal her?
Mothra : Je peux la guérir, l'allonger sur le sol
I placed Blake on the floor to have Mothra work her magic

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