Battle of the Gods

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Before this battle starts I just want to clear up something
PGodzilla: the guy fighting the reader
KGodzilla: the reader

3rd POV
PGodzilla started charging its atomic and shot KGodzilla, creating a giant explosion, engulfing him. The smoke was rising and PGodzilla was looking through it, until its eyes widened again. KGodzilla stood there unfazed, glaring at his enemy.
Blake started getting up, she saw the two Godzilla's.
Blake *weakly*: Riley......
Riley: Blake! alright?
Blake: I think a few ribs....are that Y/N?
Riley: I think it is....we saw a blue light, he told us to get back and that appeared
Blake: we need to check the bed
They got up and checked the shack, he was gone. It was definitely Y/N.
KGodzilla roared and started walking towards PGodzilla. PGodzilla used its claws and slashed at KGodzilla putting him to the ground. As KGodzilla was on he ground he charged his Atomic and shot PGodzilla in the leg, bringing it to one knee, roaring in pain
Blake POV
Me: something's different about Y/N
Riley: what do you mean?
Me: well besides be near 1000 feet tall, what's he doing?
Alice: he's fighting....strategically.
Me: that's not the Y/N way, especially in Kaiju form.
Alice: you're right, I've seen him fight, he never controlled it.
Blake: he's never been able to
Alice: Blake....I think he's actually thinking for himself
Riley: so you mean he's?
Alice: that's right, he has full control over his Kaiju form, I feel his anger, but it's calm at the same time, it's neither rising or declining.
Blake: unbelievable
3rd POV
KGodzilla got up and roared at the kneeling PGodzilla. KGodzilla charged him and jabbed it in the throat. PGodzilla glared and roared, creating a distort sound, pushing KGodzilla into the ocean, making some blood fly into the air. KGodzilla looked at his wound and growled, shooting his Atomic as PGodzilla's face. They both charged eachother, their claws clashing, creating a sound wave strong enough to create an earthquake.
Yang POV
Me: Few more months
DS/N: I think your father might still be a little upset with me
Me: I love you, he's just upset I'm moving so fast, though he should be happy he's having grandchildren.
I heard a sound wave come right from the house.
Me: what was that?
DS/N: I don't know, but whatever it is, it's powerful
Yang: do you think it's Kaiju related?
DS/N: it's a possibility
3rd POV
PGodzilla used its tail and hit KGodzilla in the stomach, making him weak for a short minute. It then used its claws and stabbed KGodzilla in the back of the neck. KGodzilla roared and tried hitting PGodzilla with his tail. KGodzilla closed his eyes and set off a nuclear pulse, ripping off some scales and making blood fly, as PGodzilla flew back. He started charging his Atomic and fired it, only to collide with PGodzilla's Atomic. They were closely matched. KGodzilla started walking forward, making his breath stronger and pushing back PGodzilla's. KGodzilla used a lot of strength into the blast and pushed it even farther, to where it blew up in PGodzilla's face.
Blake POV
Me: he's using a lot of energy, if he keeps it up like this he won't be able to fight for much longer
Riley: but he's winning, there's a chance he can stop him before that happens
Alice: the thing with Y/N is that he's unpredictable, you never know what's going to happen with him.
Riley: true.
3rd POV
KGodzilla was breathing heavily, trying to regain some stamina to continue fighting. PGodzilla got up and growled, it immediately charged KGodzilla into a mountain and started slashing at him. KGodzilla roared in pain, blood was flying everywhere. PGodzilla stopped and looked at KGodzilla, it was going in for one final stab, until KGodzilla blocked it with his claws. PGodzilla used its other claw but that was blocked to, the went hand to hand tryin to push eachother off balance, the heat coming off them was immense.
Blake POV
Me: are they.....shrinking?
Alice: Y/N is going back to normal I feel it.
Riley: what about the other Godzilla
Alice: I don't know
3rd POV
They both went down to the size of a human, there revealing that this PGodzilla was a Kaiju shifter, just like Y/N, Riley, and Alice. Both Y/N and the shifter both separated and flared at eachother.
Y/N: I will make you bleed
?????: do you honestly believe you can stop me
The guy had dirty blonde hair, and had spines coming out of his back.
Blake: Y/N!!!
????: your fiancé is calling for you "king", it will be a shame she won't be with you, I'll send flowers to the funeral

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