The Final Battle

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3rd POV
Y/N: and just who the hell are you?
????: I am the true heir to he throne, my name is Bruce
Y/N: bullshit, my mother told me that I was to be king
Bruce: hahahaha, mother always lied to you baby brother
Y/N: what?
Bruce: I shall explain, I was a 50 meter Kaiju, I was exiled because a Kaiju if my size could never rule, the females could however because female Kaiju are generally smaller, well anyway I was exiled, I decided to spend it underground, but the nuclear power plants, all had power left, I absorbed it....and now, now I'm the size of a true king, and it stays, unlike you, the power was temporary.
Y/N: you are a disgrace to the Kaiju
Bruce: tell me, was that Ravenark's words, or mother's?
Y/N launched himself towards Bruce, Y/N went through the air he moved so fast and threw a punch, it created a plume of smoke immediately after another shockwave occurred that was even more powerful than when they were Kaiju.
Bruce: baby brother, your powers are weak and useless, do you honestly believe you can stop me
Y/N: I can try....
Bruce: It's sad that you want to try, but trying won't get you anywhere
He was thrown to the ground and was punched in the chest.
Bruce: you must do things, why do you think I thot so strong
Y/N: bad guy revenge stereotypes
Bruce: man you would be a shit king
Y/N: better to be a king...than a tyrant
Bruce punched Y/N in the chest again, creating a giant crater.
Bruce: I am not a tyrant, I am a true leader
Y/N: bullshit
Y/N kicked Bruce in the knee, putting him down and then he got up. Y/N looked at Bruce and started punching him. Bruce caught one of the punches and threw him into one of the standing houses.
Blake: Y/N!
Y/N immediately got and Bruce launched at him, punching him in the face, into a rock. Y/N got up, they both launched at eachother, their punches kept colliding and a crater beneath them was getting larger and larger. Y/N and Bruce kept their eyes locked, Y/N's eyes turned reptilian and his ears started ringing. He started showing teeth and started screaming, which was mixed with his Kaiju roar, this threw Bruce off and was punched in the face. Y/N screamed again and kicked him in the ribs sending him to the ground. Bruce got back up and saw Y/N heading right at him to punch him again. He jumped up and kicked Y/N in the face.
Bruce: the power is there, that's the blood of the Kaiju maturing in your body, sadly you can't control it as well as you like, it makes your attacks obvious.
Y/N: I was just kicking your ass
Y/N's eyes returned back to normal and he charged Bruce. Bruce dodged and hit Y/N in the back of the neck, knocking him unconscious.
Bruce: a toddler could've seen that, now I'll pay your friends a visit.
Blake came out of no where and kicked Bruce in the collar bone.
Bruce: there you are
He grabbed her ankle and slammed her into the ground. Riley ran up and punched him in the face, he grabbed her by the throat and threw her into the mountain. Alice shot fireballs at Bruce until he made a creature come out of the ground and attack her, the creature was metallic.
Bruce: hahahaha, bow to your king.
The Kaiju all looked at eachother and growled. Y/N opened his eyes and looked at Blake.
Y/N:.....bastard......I'LL KILL YOU
Y/N's eyes turned reptilian again, he got to his feet and launched at Bruce, hitting him in the back. The Kaiju started roaring as Y/N was fighting Bruce again.
Bruce: WHAT!
Y/N roared as he appeared in front of Bruce and punched him in the stomach. Y/N then back handed Bruce into a boulder. When Bruce tried punching
Y/N, he caught it. Y/N punched Bruce in the throat and threw him to the side.
Bruce: this....doesn't....change....anything....I WILL ALWAYS BE BETTER THAN YOU, I AM THE RIGHTFUL HEIR, I AM A GOD!
Y/N just stared at Bruce, in a blink he was right in front of him. Bruce's eyes widened when he saw Y/N this close this quickly.
Y/N: if you were truly a god you wouldn't have a hole in your chest.
Y/N punched Bruce in the chest, sending his arm right through his back.
Bruce: h-how......
Y/N: because a true king isn't burn in Hell
Y/N pulled his arm out of Bruce's chest, he fell lifeless to the ground. Y/N took a few steps away and roared in victory, all the Kaiju started roaring as well.
Y/N looked over to see Blake getting up and running over to him.
Blake: hey Y/ did it
Y/N: we all did it.....
Y/N pulled her in close and they both kissed, Alice and Riley and the other Kaiju were looking at them.
Riley: aw, that's sweet
Alice: this day proved that the true king of the Monsters doesn't have to be the smartest or the strongest, he just has to be the one who's willing to give it all away for the people he loves.
Y/N picked up Blake bridal style and continued kissing.

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